
/di lear"ee euhm/, n., pl. deliriums, deliria /-lear"ee euh/.
1. Pathol. a more or less temporary disorder of the mental faculties, as in fevers, disturbances of consciousness, or intoxication, characterized by restlessness, excitement, delusions, hallucinations, etc.
2. a state of violent excitement or emotion.
[1590-1600; < L delirium frenzy, equiv. to delir(are) (see DELIRATION) + -ium -IUM]

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Condition of disorientation, confused thinking, and rapid alternation between mental states.

The patient is restless, cannot concentrate, and undergoes emotional changes (e.g., anxiety, apathy, euphoria), sometimes with hallucinations. Delirium usually results from a disorder affecting the brain such as central nervous system infection, head trauma, or mental disorder. In severe cases of withdrawal from alcohol, delirium tremens results not from the excessive alcohol consumption alone but from exhaustion, malnutrition (particularly lack of thiamine), and dehydration.

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      a mental disturbance marked by disorientation and confused thinking in which the patient incorrectly comprehends his surroundings. The delirious person is drowsy, restless, and fearful of imaginary disasters. He may suffer from hallucinations, seeing terrifying imaginary animals or thinking the building is on fire. Maniacal excitement may follow.

      Delirium usually results from some intoxication or other physical disorder that affects the brain, such as fever, heart failure, or a blow on the head. It often results from an overdose of sedatives, especially bromide, and can be provoked by the too-abrupt discontinuance of barbiturates in addicts. Alcoholic deliriumcalled delirium tremens because of the characteristic tremoris a result not merely of excessive consumption of alcohol but of a complicating exhaustion, lack of food, and dehydration; prior to the outbreak of delirium, the patient has usually been deteriorating physically because of vomiting and restlessness.

      Bewildering changes of scene facilitate the onset of delirium. When a patient is on the verge of delirium, transfer from home to hospital is therefore a threat, which can be lessened if members of his family stay with him.

      Delirium usually clears up soon after the physical causes have been checked. Recovery, however, depends not only on riddance of poisons but also on the extent of the damage done to the brain and on the capacity of the body's reparative mechanisms to undo it.

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Universalium. 2010.

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