
deliberately, adv.deliberateness, n.deliberator, n.
adj. /di lib"euhr it/; v. /di lib"euh rayt'/, adj., v., deliberated, deliberating.
1. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
2. characterized by deliberation; careful or slow in deciding: a deliberate decision.
3. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: a deliberate step.
4. to weigh in the mind; consider: to deliberate a question.
5. to think carefully or attentively; reflect: She deliberated for a long time before giving her decision.
6. to consult or confer formally: The jury deliberated for three hours.
[1350-1400; ME < L deliberatus (ptp. of deliberare to consider), equiv. to de- DE- + liber(are) to balance, weigh (deriv. of libra balance, scales) + -atus -ATE1]
Syn. 1. purposeful; willful. DELIBERATE, INTENTIONAL, PREMEDITATED, VOLUNTARY refer to something not happening by chance. DELIBERATE is applied to what is done not hastily but with full realization of what one is doing: a deliberate attempt to evade justice. INTENTIONAL is applied to what is definitely intended or done on purpose: an intended omission. PREMEDITATED is applied to what has been planned in advance: a premeditated crime. VOLUNTARY is applied to what is done by a definite exercise of the will and not because of outward pressures: a voluntary enlistment. 2. methodical, thoughtful, circumspect, cautious. 3. See slow. 4. ponder. 5. cogitate, ruminate.
Ant. 1. accidental. 2. impulsive, precipitate.

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