
/del"euh wair'/, n., pl. Delawares, (esp. collectively) Delaware for 5.
1. Baron. See De La Warr, 12th Baron.
2. a state in the eastern United States, on the Atlantic coast. 595,225; 2057 sq. mi. (5330 sq. km). Cap.: Dover. Abbr.: DE (for use with zip code), Del.
3. a city in central Ohio. 18,780.
4. a river flowing S from SE New York, along the boundary between Pennsylvania and New Jersey into Delaware Bay. 296 mi. (475 km) long.
5. a member of a grouping of North American Indian peoples, comprising the Munsee, Unami, and Unalachtigo, formerly occupying the drainage basin of the Delaware River, the lower Hudson River valley, and the intervening area.
6. the Eastern Algonquian language of any of the Delaware peoples.
7. Hort.
a. a red vinifera grape grown for table use that yields a white wine.
b. the vine bearing this fruit.

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State (pop., 2000: 783,600), middle Atlantic region, U.S. It lies on the Atlantic Ocean and is bordered by Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland.

Covering 2,026 sq mi (5,247 sq km), its capital is Dover. Originally inhabited by Algonquian tribes, Delaware's first permanent white settlement was by Swedes at Fort Christina, now Wilmington, in 1638. In 1655 New Sweden was taken by the Dutch of New Amsterdam and in 1664 by the English. Delaware was thereafter a part of New York until 1682, when it was ceded to William Penn. It was governed by Pennsylvania until 1776, although it was granted its own assembly in 1704. The first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution in 1787, it is the nation's second smallest state but one of its most densely populated. Chemical manufacturing is the major industry, followed by food processing. Delaware's most important transportation artery is the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, deepened for ocean shipping, which shortens the water route between Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Confederation of North American Indians living mostly in Oklahoma, U.S. Thousands more live in Wisconsin and Kansas, U.S., and in Ontario, Can.

They speak a language of the Algonquian family. They once occupied the Atlantic seaboard from southern Delaware to western Long Island, especially the Delaware River valley, for which the confederation was named. To other Algonquian divisions, the Lenape were the "grandfathers," believed to be the original tribe from which all others sprang, and they were highly respected. They depended primarily on agriculture but also hunted and fished. They were grouped in three clans based on maternal descent; these were in turn divided into lineages, whose members lived together in a longhouse. They were governed by a council of lineage sachems (chiefs), who directed the public affairs of the community; the eldest woman of the lineage appointed the sachem. The Delaware were the Indians most friendly to William Penn; they were rewarded by the infamous Walking Purchase, a treaty that deprived them of their own lands and forced them to settle on lands assigned to the Iroquois. After 1690 they drifted westward. They sided with the French in the French and Indian War (175463) and helped defeat the British general Edward Braddock. In 1867 most of the remaining Delaware were removed to Oklahoma. Some 8,300 people claimed sole Delaware descent in the 2000 U.S. census.
(as used in expressions)
Baron Delaware

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 city, seat (1808) of Delaware county, central Ohio, U.S. It lies along the Olentangy River, 25 miles (40 km) north of Columbus. The Delaware Indians had a village in the vicinity before Col. Moses Byxbe of Massachusetts settled on the east bank of the river in 1804. The town was laid out in 1808 and became a popular health resort because of its close proximity to a sulfur spring. Ohio Wesleyan University (1842) was built around the town's Mansion House (now Elliot Hall). The Methodist Theological School in Ohio was opened in Delaware in 1960. Perkins Observatory, maintained by Ohio Wesleyan University, is 4 miles (6 km) south of the city. A stone monument marks the birthplace of U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes. After World War II there was some industrial growth; the city's manufactures now include industrial and automotive coatings, copper products, stone and concrete, tools and dies, building materials, and chemicals. Since 1946 the Little Brown Jug, an annual harness-racing classic, has been held in September at the Delaware County Fair. Inc. town, 1815; city, 1903. Pop. (2000) 25,243; (2005 est.) 31,322.

      county, south-central New York state, U.S., bordered by the Susquehanna River to the northwest and Pennsylvania to the southwest, the Delaware River constituting the boundary. The mountainous terrain is drained mainly by the west and east branches of the Delaware River. Other bodies of water include Cannonsville and Pepacton reservoirs. The county is primarily forested with northern hardwoodsexcept for Catskill Park to the southeast, which features an abundance of spruce and fir trees. Other parklands are located at Oquaga Creek, East Sidney Lake, Bear Spring Mountain, and Wolf Hollow.

      Algonquian-speaking Delaware Indians were once the main inhabitants of the region. Delaware county was founded in 1797 and named for Thomas West, 12th Baron De La Warr (De La Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron), one of the founders of Virginia. The principal towns are Sidney, Walton, and Delhi, which is the county seat. The towns of Stamford, Margaretville, and Fleischmanns attract seasonal tourism. The economy is based on agriculture (hay, milk, and cattle) and manufacturing. Area 1,446 square miles (3,746 square km). Pop. (2000) 48,055; (2007 est.) 46,286.

      county, southeastern Pennsylvania, U.S., located southwest of Philadelphia and bounded to the east by Cobbs Creek and to the south by New Jersey and Delaware, the Delaware River constituting the border. Ridley Creek State Park is located on Ridley Creek near Springton Reservoir.

      In 1682 English Quaker William Penn (Penn, William) arrived in Pennsylvania near the confluence of the Delaware River and Chester Creek at the Swedish settlement of Upland, which Penn renamed Chester when he made it the provincial capital. Built by Swedish settlers, the Morton Homestead in Prospect Park is one of the oldest buildings in Pennsylvania (c. 1650). Near Chadds Ford on Brandywine Creek, the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of the Brandywine (Brandywine, Battle of the) in the U.S. War of Independence (American Revolution) (Sept. 11, 1777). The county was formed in 1789 and named for either the Delaware Indians or the Delaware River. Media replaced Chester as the county seat in 1850. Villanova University was founded in Villanova in 1842, and Swarthmore College was established by Quakers (Quaker) in Swarthmore in 1864.

      Some suburbs of Philadelphia are Yeadon, Lansdowne, Darby, and Collingdale. The economy depends on services (health care and business), trade, and manufacturing (aircraft and ships). Delaware county is one of the most densely populated counties in Pennsylvania. Area 184 square miles (477 square km). Pop. (2000) 547,651; (2007 est.) 554,399.

also called  Lenni Lenape  or  Lenape  

      a confederation of Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who occupied the Atlantic seaboard from Cape Henlopen, Delaware, to western Long Island. Before colonization, they were especially concentrated in the Delaware River valley, for which the confederation was named.

      Traditionally, the Delaware depended primarily on agriculture, with hunting and fishing as important additions to their economy. Summer farming communities numbered several hundred persons; in winter, smaller family bands traveled throughout smaller territories to hunt. Delaware individuals were members of one of three clans, based on maternal descent; clans were in turn divided into lineages, whose members generally lived together in a longhouse. Groups of longhouses formed the core of autonomous communities, of which there were probably 30 or 40 in 1600. A council consisting of lineage sachems (chiefs) and other distinguished men decided the public affairs of the community. The eldest woman of the lineage appointed and dismissed the sachem.

      The Delaware were the Native Americans most friendly to William Penn; they were rewarded by the infamous Walking Purchase, a treaty that deprived them of their own lands and forced them to settle on lands assigned to the Iroquois. Encroached on by European colonizers and dominated by the Iroquois after 1690, they drifted westward in stages, stopping on the Susquehanna, the Allegheny, and the Muskingum rivers in Ohio and the White River in Indiana. After 60 years of displacement, Delaware individuals living beyond the Ohio River rekindled a tribal alliance, asserted their independence of the Iroquois, and opposed the advancing colonists. They defeated the British general Edward Braddock in the French and Indian War and at first supported the Americans in the Revolution. In the Treaty of Greenville (1795) they ceded their Ohio lands. Many of the bands dispersed, but by 1835 some had gathered again in Kansas; most of these were removed to Oklahoma in 1867. Delaware descendants numbered more than 16,900 in the early 21st century.

Delaware, flag of   constituent state of the United States of America (United States). The first of the original 13 states to ratify the federal Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America), it occupies a small niche in the BostonWashington, D.C., urban corridor along the Middle Atlantic seaboard. It is the second smallest state in the country and one of the most densely populated. The state is organized into three countiesfrom north to south, New Castle, Kent, and Sussexall established by 1682. Its population, like its industry, is concentrated in the north, around Wilmington, where the major coastal highways and railways pass through from Pennsylvania and New Jersey on the north and east into Maryland on the south and west. The rest of the state comprises the northeastern corner of the Delmarva Peninsula, which Delaware shares with Maryland and Virginia (hence its name). Most state government operations are located in Dover, the capital.

 Historically, geographically, and economically, Delaware has had close ties with Pennsylvania, particularly the city of Philadelphia, where the Delaware River and other transportation arteries direct its commerce. The stability and conservatism that were once characteristics of Delaware, especially in the southern areas that lie adjacent to Maryland's Eastern Shore, long maintained a grip on political life vastly out of proportion to their proponents' numbers.

      Over the years Delaware has been called the chemical capital, the corporate capital, and the credit-card capital of the United States. Its liberal incorporation laws and a Court of Chancery that specializes in the most-complex issues of corporate governance and finance have encouraged many American and foreign businesses to make Delaware their nominal home. The preponderance of the state's major corporate, banking, and legal enterprise is located in the northern part of the state. Area 2,026 square miles (5,247 square km). Pop. (2000) 783,600; (2006 est.) 853,476.

Land (Delaware)

  Delaware, located mainly within the Atlantic Coastal Plain, is second only to Florida for having the lowest average elevation. A long sand beach forms the state's oceanfront, stretching from the border with Maryland, at Fenwick Island, north to Cape Henlopen, at the mouth of Delaware Bay. Only one major break, Indian River Inlet, occurs along the 23-mile (37-km) length of the beach. Much of the beach is a low bar between the ocean and a series of lagoons or shallow bays, but at Bethany Beach, near the southern boundary, and again at Rehoboth Beach, near the northern end, the mainland reaches directly to the ocean.

      Much of the shoreline of Delaware Bay is marshy. The mouths of tributaries such as the Murderkill, the Mispillion, and the St. Jones are so shallow that only fishing boats find safe harbours north of Lewes. Farther north, on the banks of the Delaware River, spots of high, dry land appear, as at Port Penn, New Castle, and Edgemoor. The state's main port, at Wilmington, is located at the confluence of the Delaware River and the Christina, one of its tributaries.

      Most of Delaware is drained by streams that run eastward to the Delaware River, Delaware Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean, but the Nanticoke River and its tributaries in southwestern Delaware flow into Chesapeake Bay. So does the Pocomoke River, which drains the Cypress Swamp, or so-calledBurnt Swamp,” in the extreme south of Delaware, athwart the Maryland line.

 Most of the Coastal Plain is fertile and level, seldom rising above 60 feet (18 metres) above sea level, but it becomes increasingly sandy to the south. Near its northern edge the plain is intersected by the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which has been deepened and straightened for ocean shipping. It shortens the water route between Philadelphia and Baltimore, Md., by several hundred miles and also brings Baltimore closer to the ocean than via Chesapeake Bay. The canal is popularly considered to be the boundary between agricultural downstate Delaware and the northern industrial region. Though the land on either side of it is similar, many Delawareans are convinced that even the weather changes at the canal.

      Several high bridges over the canal, the giant twin bridges crossing the Delaware River north of New Castle, and the refinery stacks at Delaware City are the major landmarks on the horizon below the northwestern corner of the state, where the rolling hills of the Piedmont extend south from Pennsylvania. Until the mid-20th century, farmlands, woodlands, streams, and ponds, interspersed by occasional villages, made up most of the state's landscape to the south of Wilmington. Suburban housing has spread out to encompass the area on either side of the canal and has encroached on New Castle county's remaining farmland.

      The highest point in the statejust off Ebright Road in New Castle county, near the Pennsylvania state lineis only 448 feet (137 metres) above sea level. Peculiar features are Iron and Chestnut hills, which protrude into the plain southwest of Newark and are scarred by open pits where iron ore once was mined.

      The centre of Wilmington lies on hills sloping downward toward the confluence of the Christina and its major tributary, the Brandywine (Brandywine Creek). There, navigable water brought shipping close to falls that provided power for manufacturing. The railroads and highways, which followed this fall line along the east coast, have kept Wilmington on major transportation routes between Philadelphia and Baltimore and have promoted the tendency for the urbanization of open land between Wilmington and other cities.

      The climate of Delaware is humid and temperate. The average daily temperature at New Castle Airport in northern Delaware is 54 °F (12 °C), varying from an average high of 86 °F (30 °C) in July to an average low of 23 °F (−5 °C) in January. Temperatures in southern Delaware usually run about two degrees higher than these figures. August, which has the second warmest temperatures after July, is also the rainiest month, with an average precipitation of about 5.5 inches (140 mm), whereas February has the least precipitation, an average of about 3 inches (75 mm). The annual average precipitation is nearly 45 inches (1,140 mm).

Plant and animal life
 Delaware is a transition zone between plants typical of Pennsylvania and New York and those common to coastal Maryland and Virginia. Hardwoods are characteristic in the north, but pines become mixed with hardwoods in the south. Deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, and muskrats are common. Beaches and marshes are a winter refuge for many wildfowl, as well as a stop on the migratory paths of such birds as sandpipers.


Population (Delaware) composition
      In colonial times Delaware's population consisted largely of people from the British Isles, slaves from Africa, and some Germans, along with a few remaining Native Americans. During the 19th century, immigrants, attracted by the industries in and around Wilmington, included Irish, Germans, Italians, Poles, and Russian Jews. In the late 20th century a small Puerto Rican community took shape in Wilmington, and Guatemalans began migrating to Sussex county to work in the poultry industry. A group of Native Americans of mixed ethnicity, called Moors, live in the vicinity of Cheswold in Kent county, and descendants of the Nanticoke live near Millsboro in Sussex county. There is also a small population of Asians among New Castle county's scientific and engineering professionals. More than two-thirds of the state's population is white, one-fifth African American, and the remainder Native American, Hispanic, and Asian. Roman Catholics and Methodists predominate among the state's religious denominations.

Settlement patterns
      About two-thirds of Delaware's population lives in New Castle county. Wilmington, the largest city, is situated in the area where the Brandywine, Christina, and Delaware rivers come together. The suburbs of Wilmington, including the smaller cities of Newark and New Castle, account for the largest share of the state's population. To the south of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which bisects southern New Castle county, the land has a more rural character. Interrupting the farm and woodlands of this flat, relatively low-density area are the city of Dover, together with its suburbs and a U.S. Air Force base, the seashore communities of Rehoboth Beach and Bethany Beachwhich attract many retireesand towns such as Milford, Georgetown, Laurel, Selbyville, and Millsboro.

Demographic trends
      After 1945, economic development, especially in the chemical industry, attracted many skilled newcomers to northern Delaware, which, in turn, spurred the development of suburbs around Wilmington. During that same period the population of Wilmington declined, and its composition changed. Many whites left the city for the suburbs, and African Americans migrated from the Delmarva Peninsula and farther south to take their place. African Americans now constitute almost two-thirds of the city's population. More recently, population growth in the more-rural counties of Kent and Sussex has expanded, as new industrial plants and resort communities have been built there and as poultry farming has grown.

      Delaware's prosperity depends in large part on its favourable location: 4 of the 10 largest cities in the United States lie within 150 miles (240 km) of Delaware. The state has a diversified economy, with strengths in agriculture, industry, and commerce. Poultry is the state's leading agricultural product. Corn (maize) and soybeans are major ancillary crops. Several large chemical companies, including DuPont (DuPont Company) and Hercules, and AstraZeneca, a pharmaceutical company, have their home offices and development laboratories in northern Delaware. DuPont, once the largest employer in the state, grew from its beginnings as an explosives maker to invent and produce a variety of chemically based products, notably nylon. DuPont opened the world's first nylon plant in Seaford in 1939. (The company sold its textile fibres division in 2004.)

      In 1981 Delaware adopted the Financial Center Development Act, which was designed to attract credit-card banking to the state. Several large banks took advantage of this opportunity, but the most prominent credit-card lender was MBNA, which had become the state's largest commercial employer by the beginning of the 21st century; shortly thereafter, MBNA merged with Bank of America (Bank of America Corporation).

 Although the number of farms and the amount of farm acreage are in decline, agriculture remains important. Most cash income from farming comes from poultry raising, centred in Sussex county. Soybeans are an important crop; other major agricultural products include corn (maize), milk, and vegetables. The coastal and inland waters yield fish, clams, and crabs.

      The construction of the Du Pont Highway (the first north-south highway to extend through the state [built 191123], the brainchild of T. Coleman du Pont) through rural southern Delaware brought profound changes to the agriculture of that area. In the early 1920s farmers in Sussex county discovered the profitability of trucking young chickens to the Philadelphia poultry (poultry processing) market. By the end of World War II, poultry raising had become the mainstay of the county's agriculture and the state's major agricultural moneymaker. After the war the poultry industry continued to grow in size and efficiency. The owners of large processing operations became dominant, supplying chicks and feed to farmers on a contract basis. Today Sussex county is a national centre for the production of broilers (young chickens).

      The only mining in Delaware is of gravel and sand. The major economic enterprise is manufacturing, especially chemicals (chemical industry). Wilmington boasts of being the chemical capital of the world because it is the administrative and research centre of several chemical companies: DuPont (DuPont Company), Hercules, and AstraZeneca. Chief chemical products are pigments, nylon, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Delaware also has a petroleum refinery, a synthetic rubber plant, packaging plants, and textile mills. Dover is home to food-processing and other industries.

      In the 1950s a large refinery was built at Delaware City. Environmentalists led by Gov. Russell Peterson, a former DuPont chemist who served as governor from 1969 to 1973, feared that other refineries would be constructed that might destroy the wetlands located along the banks of Delaware Bay and the Delaware River in all three counties. Peterson championed passage of a landmark environmental law, the Coastal Zone Act, in 1971, which has prevented the construction of additional industries along the coast.

Finance and other services
 Owing to the state's liberal incorporation law (1899), Delaware is the legal home to thousands of American and foreign corporations. More than three-fifths of the companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange are incorporated in Delaware. The law does not require Delaware corporations to maintain more than a token presence in the state, but it is the source of considerable corporate litigation for Delaware's courts and corporate lawyers. The corporation franchise tax is an important source of state revenue.

      With the adoption of the Financial Center Development Act, banking services have joined the chemical industry as Wilmington's largest employers; many major banks now maintain their credit-card operations in or near the city. These economic developments contributed to the rapid rise in population of New Castle county in the second half of the 20th century.

      Tourism is an important part of Delaware's economy. Sussex county is noted for its seasonal ocean and bay resorts of Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Bethany Beach, and Fenwick Island. There are several federal and state wildlife areas along the shore of Delaware Bay, and much of the beach area south of Lewes is within state parks.

      The chief flow of highway traffic in Delaware is between Wilmington and its suburbs and the interstates crossing northern Delaware between New York City or Philadelphia and Baltimore or Washington. In 2003 work was completed on Route 1, a toll highway that had been under construction since the early 1980s. It traces a route from Wilmington to Dover adjacent to the Du Pont Highway, the state's major north-south artery. The state maintains all roads and bridges as well as through streets in municipalities. A joint DelawareNew Jersey agency operates the twin bridges across the Delaware River near New Castle and a ferry between Lewes and Cape May, N.J. The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Dover Air Force Base, established in World War II and greatly expanded during the Korean War, handles major military transport operations and is by far the largest airport in the state.

      Delaware lies on the railroad passenger line between Philadelphia and Baltimore. Freight service is also available to the southern state line and in northern Delaware. A public authority provides local bus transportation in the Wilmington area. Wilmington is a major port along the Atlantic seaboard and is the site of the state's largest commercial airport.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
  The current constitution of Delaware, its fourth, was adopted in 1897 but has been amended many times. Amendments require a two-thirds vote in two successive legislatures, with an election intervening. The governor, who has no veto on amendments, serves a four-year term and may be reelected only once. For many years the legislature was strong and the governor relatively weak, but adoption of the cabinet form of government in 1970 centralized and strengthened executive authority. The 62-member bicameral legislature is known as the General Assembly. The Senate consists of 21 members, each elected to serve four-year terms; the House of Representatives has 41 members, who serve two-year terms.

      An unusual feature of the state's judicial system is the Court of Chancery (Chancery, Court of), a remnant of the English judicial system that Delaware (along with only a few other states) retained past colonial times. It handles equity cases involving civil rights and litigation concerning Delaware corporations. Most other states have merged their chancery into their law courts. The highest court is the Supreme Court, which hears appeals from the Court of Chancery and the Superior Court. At the lowest level in the state judiciary are the magistrate courts, presided over by justices of the peace, who seldom are lawyers. The governor appoints all Delaware judges.

      Weak county governments have been the rule in Delaware. Formerly, each was headed by an elected levy court that set the tax rate and appropriated funds. Stronger elected councils have replaced the levy courts of New Castle and Sussex, however, and New Castle also elects a county executive who appoints the chief administrative officers. Delaware is notable for having used the county subdivision known as a hundred, an ancient English governmental unit. It no longer has a governmental function and is retained purely as a geographic name.

      Because of Delaware's small size, many things are done by the state that elsewhere would be left to local government. Consequently, state taxes and indebtedness are relatively high, whereas local equivalents are low. The largest source of state income is the tax on personal and corporate incomes. There is no general sales tax and no state property tax, but there is a gross receipts tax on retailers. Corporations registered in Delaware pay an initial incorporation fee and thereafter an annual franchise tax; this constitutes a significant portion of the state's revenue. Real estate taxes are the chief support of county and municipal governments. Schools are funded primarily by the state, but school districts must raise part of the money for new buildings and school operations, including salaries, through property and other taxes, which must be given approval in a referendum.

      The Democratic (Democratic Party) and Republican (Republican Party) parties have been fairly evenly matched in Delaware, although the Democrats generally have the larger number of registered voters. Many voters decline to list party preference, and numerous swing votes may go to either side. Primaries had little significance until 1978, when they were first used for all elective offices.

      After the American Civil War, Delaware Democrats used their control of such offices as assessor and tax collector to discourage African Americans from qualifying as voters, but Republicans sought the black vote and, with its aid, won control of the state early in the 20th century. In 1932 the Democrats abandoned their all-white tradition. At first they won black votes only for the national ticket, but gradually, during the next two decades, the state's African American residents (as in other Northern states) generally tended to realign themselves with the Democratic Party. Thereafter, only exceptionally popular Republicans won African American support. Major state initiatives typically require bipartisan support.

Health and welfare
      Delaware's largest hospital is located in Newark. Other general hospitals are located in cities throughout the state. The Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, near Wilmington, is a world-class pediatric facility. The Department of Health and Social Services operates a psychiatric long-term care facility and three nursing homes: the Delaware Hospital for the Chronically Ill, Governor Bacon Health Center, and Emily P. Bissell Hospital. The department's centres for health and drug counseling are located throughout the state.

      The University of Delaware (Delaware, University of) (1743; formerly Delaware College) is the state's major institution of higher education. A small population makes a medical school too expensive, but the state has arrangements with Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia to save places in each class for Delaware students. Similar arrangements are made for students in fields such as veterinary science and dentistry, in which no training is offered in Delaware's public institutions. Delaware State University, a historically black institution founded in 1891, is located in Dover. Delaware Technical and Community College, founded by the state in 1967, maintains campuses in all three counties. The Delaware campus of the Widener University law school (1971; affiliated with Widener since 1975) is located north of Wilmington. Other private colleges include Wilmington College (1968); Goldey-Beacom College (1886), which offers a business-oriented curriculum, also in Wilmington; and Wesley College (1873), in Dover.

Cultural life
      Two major museums are located in the outskirts of Wilmington. The Winterthur Museum is noted for its collection of American decorative arts, which are displayed in authentic period rooms. The Hagley Museum and Library portrays the development of American manufacturing through preservation of the early mills and other structures of the DuPont company, as well as by indoor exhibits. Other notable museums include the Delaware Museum of Natural History, in Greenville, as well as the Delaware Art Museum, the Historical Society of Delaware, Old Town Hall, and the Delaware History Museum, all in Wilmington.

      A number of historic houses in the state are permanently open to the public, including the John Dickinson Plantation (1740), near Dover; the Parson Thorne Mansion (c. 1735), in Milford; several houses in Odessa and New Castle; and the Read House and Gardens (1804) in New Castle. The open-air Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village, in Dover, features exhibits on Delaware's farming and rural heritage. Old Swedes Church in Wilmington was built in 1698 for a Swedish Lutheran congregation, but it is now Episcopalian. The Swedes brought a tradition of log construction to the New World, but none of their work remains except perhaps portions of a few small log structures. A re-creation of the Kalmar Nyckel, one of the ships that brought the first Swedish settlers to Delaware in 1638, is on display in the Christina River in Wilmington. Several blocks in New Castle surrounding the colonial capitol, known as the Old Court House (1732), evoke the restorations of Colonial Williamsburg in Virginiaexcept that New Castle had few buildings needing restoration. Immanuel Episcopal Church, on the Green, was begun in 1703; its cemetery contains numerous historic grave markers, including those of American Revolutionary War veterans and of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The nearby New Castle Presbyterian Church dates from 1707. No buildings survive from the town's original Dutch settlement in the 1650s.

      The state's foremost research library is that of the University of Delawarethe Morris Library, located on the university's Newark campus. Among the specialized libraries, the Hagley Library, featuring business and industrial history, and the library division of the Winterthur Museum, specializing in the decorative arts and crafts, are internationally known. The Wilmington Free Library is the largest unit in the consolidated New Castle county library system. The Delaware State Library Commission serves the other counties; most towns also support libraries of their own. The Historical Society of Delaware maintains a research library.

      Wilmington long has been known as a centre associated with a distinguished group of illustrators, many of them pupils, either directly or indirectly, of Howard Pyle (Pyle, Howard), whose work is displayed at the Delaware Art Museum. N.C. Wyeth, a pupil of Pyle, made his home just across the Pennsylvania line at Chadds Ford, which members of his family have made famous as the home of the Brandywine school, a group of mainly genre and narrative painters.

      Wilmington has the DuPont (Playhouse) Theatre, which hosts touring Broadway productions, as well as the Victorian-era Grand Opera House (1871), restored as a centre for the performing arts. The professional Delaware Theatre Company has its own building in Wilmington. The small village of Arden is remarkable for its theatrical traditions, both amateur and professional, which include annual productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. The professional Delaware Symphony Orchestra and Opera Delaware perform in Wilmington.

      Delaware's ocean beaches are popular not only with Delawareans but also with people from neighbouring areas, notably Washington, D.C. Rehoboth and Indian River bays are boating, fishing, and clamming centres. State parks, such as Lum's Pond, are also used for recreation. The weeklong Delaware State Fair is held annually in Harrington. Pari-mutuel betting lures crowds to racetracks in Stanton (Delaware Park) and Dover (Dover Downs), where visitors can also wager on slot machines. Dover Downs is also home to the Dover International Speedway.

      Delaware has no commercial television station, but it does have a public broadcasting station, which operates from studios in Wilmington and Philadelphia. There is one daily paper, the Wilmington News Journal. Many communities also have weekly newspapers, and there are a number of radio stations. Delaware Today is a monthly magazine.

History (Delaware)

Native Americans
      When the first European colonists arrived, the Algonquian-speaking Delaware (or Lenni Lenape) Indians lived in northern and central Delaware and also along the river shore in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Politically decentralized (each village ran its own affairs), they were a peaceful people, supporting themselves by farming, hunting, and fishing. The more-warlike Minqua, or Susquehannock, living to the west, frequently attacked the Lenape. Several other Algonquian-language tribes, such as the Nanticoke, Assateague, and Choptank, lived in southern Delaware.

      With the coming of the Europeans, many Native Americans died of foreign diseases or were driven westward. Of Delaware's native peoples, in addition to the mixed-ancestry Native Americans called Moors (who still live in Kent county) and the Nanticoke (who live in Sussex county), a remnant group of the Lenni Lenape survives in Oklahoma.

The colony
      The Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware at Lewes (then called Zwaanendael) in 1631. They quickly set up a trade in beaver furs with the Native Americans, who within a short time raided and destroyed the settlement after a disagreement between the two groups. A permanent settlement was not established until 1638by Swedes at Fort Christina (now Wilmington) as part of their colony of New Sweden; they reputedly erected America's first log cabins there. The Dutch from New Amsterdam ( New York) defeated the Swedes in 1655, and the English seized the colony from the Dutch in 1664. Thereafter, except for a brief Dutch reconquest in 1673, Delaware was administered as part of New York until 1682, when the duke of York (the future James II) ceded it to William Penn (Penn, William), who wanted it so that his colony of Pennsylvania could have access to the ocean. Though Penn tried to unite the Delaware counties with Pennsylvania, both sides resented the union. In 1704 he allowed Delaware an assembly of its own. Pennsylvania and Delaware shared an appointed governor until the American Revolution. Only in 1776 did the name Delawarederiving from Thomas West, 12th baron de la Warr (De La Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron), a governor of Virginiabecome official, though it had been applied to the bay in 1610 and gradually thereafter to the adjoining land.

      During the Penn family's proprietorship, members of the Society of Friends (Friends, Society of) (Quakers) came to the northern part of Delaware because it was close to Philadelphia and offered good farmland. Quaker merchants established the town of Wilmington in 1739. Another group of newcomers were the Scotch-Irish, who brought with them their Presbyterian religion and an emphasis on education. In 1743 Francis Alison, a Presbyterian minister, established a school that became the foundation for the later University of Delaware. Southern Delaware was populated largely by English, many coming from nearby Maryland, and by Africans, who were introduced as slaves to clear the land and work the farms. Toward the end of the 18th century, itinerant Methodist preachers found many converts among both black and white inhabitants of southern Delaware.

Revolution and statehood
      During the American Revolution, Delaware was invaded by a British army en route to Philadelphia and was constantly menaced by British ships. The event best remembered, however, is the spectacular ride (July 12, 1776) of Caesar Rodney (Rodney, Caesar) from his home to Philadelphia to break a tie in the Delaware delegation and cast Delaware's vote for independence. The proudest boast of Delaware is that its speedy ratification of the U.S. Constitution, on Dec. 7, 1787, gave Delaware its right to be calledthe first state.”

Economic development in the 19th century
      With its swift-flowing rivers and creeks, northern Delaware was among the earliest parts of the new United States to adopt water-powered industry. Brandywine superfine flour, ground at Quaker-owned mills in Wilmington, was prized in Europe and the West Indies; and E.I. du Pont, a Frenchman trained by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent) in chemistry and powder making, established the country's largest and best black powder factory north of Wilmington on the Brandywine Creek in 1802. Textiles, tobacco, and the first continuous-roll paper mill in the country were also established in the area.

      Wilmington's merchants and millers encouraged improvements in transportation, beginning with turnpikes into the hinterland and culminating in the establishment of a railroad connecting Wilmington with Baltimore and Philadelphia in 1838. The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, built by Philadelphia merchants to capture products from the Susquehanna River valley, was completed in 1826. The Delaware Railroad connected Wilmington to Seaford in western Sussex county by 1856. Steamboats on the Delaware River assisted the commercial development of the state's agriculture, especially the growing of peaches for urban markets. Steam-powered transportation also provided the key to Wilmington's rapid industrialization in the mid-19th century. The city grew from about 5,500 in 1840 to some 77,000 by 1900 and attracted immigrants from Ireland, England, and Germany. Its industries included the manufacture of railroad cars, steamboats, morocco leather, and carriages.

      Throughout the first half of the 19th century, Delawareans became increasingly divided over the issue of slavery. Induced by both economic and religious motives, many slave owners freed their bondsmen during those years, but a few stubbornly refused. Delaware was a crossroads where abolitionists maintained a thriving line of the Underground Railroad to assist escapees, while other Delawareans engaged in the equally illegal capture of free blacks to be shipped southward into slavery. Thus, in 1860, on the eve of the American Civil War, the number of slaves in Delaware had been reduced to about 1,800, while the number of the state's free blacks had grown to some 20,000.

      Although Pres. Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln, Abraham)'s policy of refusing to recognize secession did not find favour with a majority of Delawareans, the state never seriously considered joining the Confederacy (Confederate States of America). Many Delawareans favoured the Union cause, although men from the state served in the armies of both sides. Fort Delaware, built on a small island in the Delaware River to protect Wilmington and Philadelphia in the 1850s, became one of the Union's major prisoner-of-war camps.

      Race relations continued to be a divisive issue in Delaware society and politics following the war. Since 1829 the state had supported public education, but its schools were open to whites only. During the Reconstruction period (186577), through a combination of private philanthropy and federal funds, schools for blacks were inaugurated throughout the state. In 1875 the state grudgingly accepted responsibility to maintain these schools, with funds to be supplied by black taxpayers. Democrats, who were the majority party in Delaware during that period, were especially hostile to granting equality to blacks and pushed through a state poll tax, which reduced the participation of blacks in government. Not until the 1890s, when Republican factions began dispensing money to secure voter support and blacks were admitted to the polls, did the Democrats lose their exclusive hold on state politics. However, segregation in education, housing, and public accommodations remained the norm in Delaware until the U.S. Supreme Court (Supreme Court of the United States)'s historic Board of Education (Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka) decision in 1954.

Influence of the du Pont Family
      In the early 20th century the du Pont Family and their gunpowder company dominated Delaware's development. The DuPont Company, the country's largest producer of explosives (explosive), earned enormous profits through its sales to both the United States and its allies during World War I. Several du Ponts used their wealth to benefit the state. T. Coleman du Pont, an engineer and early automobile enthusiast, built the Du Pont Highway (completed 1923) to connect southern Delaware to Wilmington. His cousin, Pierre S. du Pont (du Pont, Pierre Samuel), organized citizen support to improve public education and, during the 1920s, paid for the construction of new schools throughout the state. Alfred I. du Pont, another cousin, introduced old-age pensions and built a state welfare home in 1930.

Development of the contemporary state
      During the second half of the 20th century, Delaware changed significantly. Population flowed from Wilmington to its suburbs. Resort and retirement communities developed along the Atlantic coast in the southeast portion of the state. Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court integrated the state's public schools and established a more equitable distribution of seats in the state legislature. Delaware became a leader in environmentalism when it adopted its Coastal Zone Act in 1971 to prevent heavy industrialization along the coast. Credit-card banking replaced the chemical industry as the leading private employer in the state.

      Politically, the state is a bellwether in presidential elections. In elections for offices at the state level, Delawareans tend to vote for candidates on the basis of their qualifications as individuals rather than as representatives of their respective parties. Nationally prominent Delawareans in politics have included Senators William V. Roth, a Republican known for the Roth IRA, and Joseph Biden, a leading Democrat. In 2001 Delaware elected its first female governor, Ruth Ann Minner.

John A. Munroe Carol E. Hoffecker

Additional Reading
Overviews of Delaware state history may be found in John A. Munroe, History of Delaware, 5th ed. (2006); and Carol E. Hoffecker, Delaware: A Bicentennial History (1977). Specific periods and themes are treated in C.A. Weslager, The Delaware Indians: A History (1990), and The English on the Delaware: 16101682 (1967); John A. Munroe, Colonial Delaware: A History, 2nd ed. (2003), and Federalist Delaware, 17751815 (1954, reissued 1987); William Henry Williams, The Garden of American Methodism: The Delmarva Peninsula, 17691820 (1984), and Slavery and Freedom in Delaware, 16391865 (1999); Patience Essah, A House Divided: Slavery and Emancipation in Delaware, 16381865 (1996); Harold Bell Hancock, Delaware During the Civil War: A Political History (1961, reprinted 2003); Bernard L. Herman, Architecture and Rural Life in Central Delaware, 17001900 (1987); and Carol E. Hoffecker, Wilmington, Delaware: Portrait of an Industrial City, 18301910 (1974), and Corporate Capital: Wilmington in the Twentieth Century (1983). The state's ecology is the subject of Tracey L. Bryant and Jonathan R. Pennock (eds.), The Delaware Estuary: Rediscovering a Forgotten Resource (1988). Delaware government is detailed in Paul Dolan and James R. Soles, Government of Delaware (1976); William W. Boyer, Governing Delaware: Policy Problems in the First State (2000); and Carol E. Hoffecker, Democracy in Delaware: A History of the First State's General Assembly (2004). Carol E. Hoffecker

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