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dekametric — adjective Date: 1968 decametric … New Collegiate Dictionary
dekametric — deka·met·ric … English syllables
dekametric — adjective Etymology: by alteration : decametric herein * * * /dek euh me trik/, adj. Radio. decametric … Useful english dictionary
decametric — /dek euh me trik/, adj. (of a radio wave) having a wavelength between 10 and 100 meters: decametric wave. Also, dekametric. [DECA + METRIC] * * * … Universalium
decametric — ¦dekə¦me.trik adjective Etymology: deca + metric; from the wavelength range being between 1 and 10 decameters : of, relating to, or being a radio wave of high frequency * * * /dek euh me trik/, adj. (of a radio wave) having a wavelength between… … Useful english dictionary
dec|a|met|ric — «DEHK uh MEHT rihk», adjective. 1. of or having to do with decameters; measured in decameters. 2. of or having to do with radio waves ranging from 10 to 100 meters in length, or a frequency of 3 to 30 megahertz: »Storms have been observed at… … Useful english dictionary
dec|i|met|ric — «DEHS uh MEHT rihk», adjective. 1. having to do with decimeters; measured in decimeters. 2. of or having to do with radio waves ranging from 0.1 to 1 meter in length, or a frequency of 300 to 3000 megahertz: »This magnetosphere is believed to be… … Useful english dictionary