deductible clause

deductible clause
a clause in an insurance policy stipulating that the insured will be liable for a specified initial amount of each loss, injury, etc., and that the insurance company will be liable for any additional costs up to the insured amount. Cf. franchise clause.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • deductible clause — Clause in insurance policy providing that insured will absorb first part of loss (e.g. first $100) with insurer paying the excess …   Black's law dictionary

  • deductible clause — Clause in insurance policy providing that insured will absorb first part of loss (e.g. first $100) with insurer paying the excess …   Black's law dictionary

  • deductible clause — A clause in an insurance policy, social security statute, or state plan for payment of medical or hospital expenses, expenses first incurred in a moderate amount are withdrawn from the protection of the policy or statute. A clause in an… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • deductible clause — a clause in an insurance policy stipulating that the insured will be liable for a specified initial amount of each loss, injury, etc., and that the insurance company will be liable for any additional costs up to the insured amount. Cf. franchise… …   Useful english dictionary

  • deductible — That which may be taken away or subtracted. In taxation, an item which may be subtracted from gross income or adjusted gross income in determining taxable income (e.g., interest expenses, charitable contributions, certain taxes, etc.). See also… …   Black's law dictionary

  • deductible — That which may be taken away or subtracted. In taxation, an item which may be subtracted from gross income or adjusted gross income in determining taxable income (e.g., interest expenses, charitable contributions, certain taxes, etc.). See also… …   Black's law dictionary

  • deductible — de·duc·ti·ble 1 /di dək tə bəl/ adj: allowable as a deduction de·duc·ti·bil·i·ty / ˌdək tə bi lə tē/ n deductible 2 n: a clause in an insurance policy that relieves the insurer of responsibility for an initial specified loss of the kind insured… …   Law dictionary

  • deductible — [dē dukt′ə bəl, di dukt′ə bəl] adj. 1. that can be deducted 2. that is allowed as a deduction in computing income tax [deductible expenses] n. 1. a clause in an insurance policy stating that the insurer will pay that portion of a loss, damage,… …   English World dictionary

  • deductible — I. adjective Date: 1856 allowable as a deduction < expenses that are deductible from taxable income > • deductibility noun II. noun Date: 1929 a clause in an insurance policy that relieves the insurer of responsibility for an initial specified… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • deductible — 1. adjective That can be deducted Ant: nondeductible 2. noun a clause in an insurance policy that deducts a defined amount from the sum paid out by the insurer …   Wiktionary

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