
/di kap"euh lis/, n.
a region in the NE part of ancient Palestine: confederacy of ten cities in the 1st century B.C.

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League of 10 ancient Greek cities, including Damascus, in eastern Palestine.

It was formed after the Roman conquest in 63 BC for mutual protection against their Semitic neighbors. The name also denotes the roughly contiguous territory formed by these cities, all but one of which lay east of the Jordan River. Subject to the Roman governor of Syria, the league survived until the 2nd century AD.

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ancient cities, Palestine
      league of 10 ancient Greek cities in eastern Palestine that was formed after the Roman conquest of Palestine in 63 BC, when Pompey the Great reorganized the Middle East to Rome's advantage and to his own. The name Decapolis also denotes the roughly contiguous territory formed by these cities, all but one of which lay east of the Jordan River. According to Pliny the Elder (Natural History 5.74), in the mid 1st century AD the 10 cities of the league were Scythopolis (modern Bet Sheʾan, Israel), Hippos, Gadara, Raphana, Dion (or Dium), Pella, Gerasa, Philadelphia (modern Amman, Jordan), Canatha, and Damascus (capital of modern Syria). The exact number varied over time, and at one stage 14 cities are reported to have been members. Damascus lay the farthest north, while Philadelphia lay the farthest south. Gadara was the original capital of the league, but it was replaced by Damascus. The cities participated in the Decapolis as a means of mutual protection and security against their Semitic neighbours. The league was subject to the Roman governor of Syria, though his authority was somewhat tenuous in eastern Palestine. The cities of the Decapolis created a rich Hellenistic culture that produced the philosopher-satirist Menippus, among other figures. The league survived until the 2nd century AD.

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