
dead panner.
/ded"pan'/, adj., adv., v., deadpanned, deadpanning, n.
1. marked by or accomplished with a careful pretense of seriousness or calm detachment; impassive or expressionless: deadpan humor.
2. displaying no emotional or personal involvement: a deadpan style.
3. in a deadpan manner: He spoke his lines utterly deadpan.
v.i., v.t.
4. to behave or perform in a deadpan manner.
n. Also, dead pan.
5. a face showing no expression.
6. a style of comedy that relies on the comedian's maintaining such a face.
[1925-30, Amer.; DEAD + PAN1]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Deadpan — is a form of comic delivery in which humor is presented without a change in emotion or body language, usually speaking in a casual, monotone, solemn, blunt, disgusted or matter of fact voice and expressing an unflappably calm, archly insincere or …   Wikipedia

  • deadpan — ☆ deadpan [ded′pan΄ ] n. 1. an expressionless face 2. a person, as an actor, who has or assumes such a face adj., adv. without expression or show of emotion; blank(ly) vt., vi. deadpanned, deadpanning to do or say (something) in a deadpan manner …   English World dictionary

  • deadpan — index inexpressive, inscrutable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • deadpan — 1928, from DEAD (Cf. dead) + PAN (Cf. pan) in slang sense of face …   Etymology dictionary

  • deadpan — [adj] expressionless blank, impassive, nobody home*, poker faced, serious, stony, straight faced, unreadable, vacant, wooden; concept 406 …   New thesaurus

  • deadpan — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ impassive or expressionless …   English terms dictionary

  • deadpan — 1. n. <an expressionless face.> (See also pan.) □ This guy has a super deadpan. □ Remember the deadpan she used to put on? 2. n. a person with an expressionless face. □ The guy’s a perfect deadpan …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • deadpan — I. adjective Date: circa 1928 marked by an impassive matter of fact manner, style, or expression < a deadpan comedy > • deadpan adverb II. noun Date: circa 1930 1. a completely expressionless face 2. a deadpan manner of behavior or presentation …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • deadpan — 1. adjective /ˈdɛdpæn/ a) Deliberately impassive or expressionless (as a face or look). b) Having such a face or look (as a person). Syn: poker faced …   Wiktionary

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