
/dah'mahn hoohrdd"/, n.
a city in N Egypt, near Alexandria. 175,900.

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      city, capital of Al-Buḥayrah (Buḥayrah, Al-) muḥāfaẓah (governorate) in the western Nile River delta, Lower Egypt. Its name is derived from the ancient Egyptian Timinhor (“City of Horus”) and has historically applied to several centres in Egypt, mostly in the delta. The capital of a Ptolemaic nome, Damanhūr was known as Hermopolis Parva in Hellenistic times. It was first made a provincial capital under Faṭīmid rule (Fāṭimid Dynasty) (11th century), and in the Middle Ages it prospered as a caravan town on the post road from Cairo to Alexandria. It was severely damaged in 1302 by an earthquake, but in the late 14th century the Mamlūk caliph Barqūq restored its fortifications to thwart Bedouin incursions.

      Damanhūr is now a major centre of the western delta. It is the hub of a system of narrow-gauge railways transporting the cotton, dates, vegetables, and cereals of the region's agricultural hinterland. The city has date-packing, potato-processing, cotton-ginning, and textile industries. Damanhūr is served by the Cairo-Alexandria main railway and is an important branch railway, road, and canal junction. Pop. (1996) 212,203.

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