
/dal hooh"zee, -how"-/, n.
1. George Ramsay, Earl of, 1770-1838, British general: governor of the Canadian colonies 1819-28.
2. James Andrew Broun Ramsay, 1st Marquis and 10th Earl of, 1812-60, British statesman: viceroy of India 1848-56.

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      town, northwestern Himachal Pradesh (Himāchal Pradesh) state, northwestern India. It was named for a British viceroy of colonial India, Lord Dalhousie (Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay, Marquess and 10th Earl of). Situated in the Himalayan foothills at an elevation of 7,500 feet (2,300 metres), it is 26 miles (42 km) northeast of Pathankot, with which it is linked by road. A hill station, Dalhousie is a popular summer resort, offering relief from the heat of the plain to the south. Panjab University has a vacation centre there for teachers of its affiliated colleges. Popular sites in the Dalhousie area include the Sat Dhara (“Seven Streams”), which are rich in mica and flow beneath Panjpula (“Five Bridges”), a memorial to revolutionary Bhagat Singh; Subhash Baoli, a natural spring; and Dainkund Peak, also known as Singing Hill, so called because of the sound of the wind blowing through the trees there. The cantonment of Balun is just to the north. Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary lies about 6 miles (10 km) from the town. Pop. (2001) 7,425.

      town in Restigouche county, northern New Brunswick, Canada. It lies at the mouth of the Restigouche River on Chaleur Bay, 17 miles (27 km) northeast of Campbellton. Icebreakers keep the harbour open during the winter months and clear a route through the bay. Settled by Scots in the early 1800s, it was named for the 9th Earl of Dalhousie, governor-general of Canada (181928). The town's economic activities focus on the production of newsprint, caustic soda, chlorine, and lumber and on mixed farming, salmon fishing, and summer tourism. Inc. 1905. Pop. (2006) 3,676.

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  • Dalhousie — may refer to: Contents 1 Buildings 2 Institutions 3 People and clans …   Wikipedia

  • Dalhousie —   [dæl haʊzɪ], James Andrew Broun Ramsay [braʊn ræmzɪ], 10. Earl of Dalhousie (seit 1838), 1. Marquess of (seit 1849), britischer Politiker, * Dalhousie Castle (bei Edinburgh) 22. 4. 1812, ✝ ebenda 19. 12. 1860; 1845 46 Handelsminister. Als… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Dalhousie [2] — Dalhousie (spr. dälhūsĭ), 1) Fox Maule Ramsay, Lord Panmure, Graf von, geb. 22. April 1801, gest. 6. Juli 1874, diente bis 1831 in der Armee, trat 1835 ins Parlament, schloß sich den Whigs an und wurde nacheinander Unterstaatssekretär im… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Dalhousie [2] — Dalhousie (spr. dällhuhsi), James Andrew Broun Ramsay, Marquis von, engl. Staatsmann, geb. 22. April 1812, wurde 1845 Präsident des Handelsamtes, 1847 56 Generalgouverneur von Indien, gest. 19. Dez. 1860 zu Dalhousie Castle. – Vgl. Lee Warner… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Dalhousie AC — Dalhousie Athletic Club is a club located in Kolkata, West Bengal. It was established in 1880. It had a football team. Dalhousie AC has won Calcutta football league 4 times in 1910,1921,1928 and 1929. Club Website http://www.dalhousieac.com… …   Wikipedia

  • Dalhousie — [dal ho͞o′zē, dalhou′zē] 1. Earl of 1770 1838; Brit. general, born in Scotland; governor of the British colonies in Canada (1819 28) 2. Marquis of ( James Andrew Broun Ramsay) 1812 60; Brit. statesman, born in Scotland; governor general of India… …   English World dictionary

  • Dalhousie [1] — Dalhousie (spr. Dälhusle), James Andrew Lord Ramsay, geb. 1812, folgte 1838 seinem Vaterals Graf v. D., wurde als Conservativer im Sinne Peels 1845 Präsident des Handelsamtes, 1847 an der Stelle des Lord Hardinge zum Generalstatthalter von… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Dalhousie — (spr. dällhuhsi), engl. Militär und Gesundheitsstation im Pandschab (Brit. Ostindien, Tschamba), 2343 m hoch, am Abhang des Himalaja …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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