Dagobert I

Dagobert I
/dag"euh beuhrt/; Fr. /dann gaw berdd"/
A.D. 602?-639, Merovingian king of the Franks 628-639.

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born 605
died Jan. 19, 639, Saint-Denis, France

Last Frankish king of the Merovingian dynasty to rule a politically united realm.

He became king of Austrasia in 623 and of the entire Frankish realm in 629. Dagobert secured a treaty with the Byzantine emperor, defeated the Gascons and Bretons, and campaigned against the Slavs in the east. In 631 he sent an army to help the Visigothic usurper in Spain. He moved his capital from Austrasia to Paris, then made his son king of Austrasia in 634. Dagobert also revised Frankish law, patronized the arts, and founded the great abbey of Saint-Denis.

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Merovingian king

born 605
died Jan. 19, 639, Saint-Denis, France

      the last Frankish king of the Merovingian dynasty to rule a realm united in more than name only.

      The son of Chlotar II, Dagobert became king of Austrasia in 623 and of the entire Frankish realm in 629. Dagobert secured his realm by making a friendship treaty with the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, defeating the Gascons and Bretons, and campaigning against the Slavs on his eastern frontier. In 631 he sent an army to Spain to help the Visigothic usurper Swinthila (Svintila). He moved his capital from Austrasia to Paris, a central location from which the kingdom could be governed more effectively. He then appeased the Austrasians by making his three-year-old son Sigebert their king in 634. Famed for his love of justice, Dagobert was nevertheless greedy and dissolute. He was succeeded by Sigebert III and another son, Clovis II.

      The prosperity of Dagobert's reign, and the revival of the arts during this period, can be judged from the rich contents of the tombs of the period and from the goldsmiths' work for the churches. Dagobert revised Frankish law, encouraged learning, patronized the arts, and founded the first great abbey of Saint-Denis, to which he made many gifts.

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