
/dahg"deuh/, n. Irish Myth.
a god, the chief of the Tuatha De Danann, the father of Angus Og and Brigit, and the leader of the battle against the Fomorians.
Also, Daghda.

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or Eochaid Ollathair

In Irish mythology, a leader of the mythical Tuatha Danann and father of the three Brigits and of Maponos.

His name means "good god," referring to his many powers rather than to his moral character. The Dagda had an enormous appetite for food and sex and may have been associated with fertility. He possessed a cauldron that was never empty and a club that could kill men and restore them to life.

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Celtic deity
CelticGood Godalso called  Eochaid Ollathair (“Eochaid the All-Father”) , or  In Ruad Ro-fhessa (“Red [or Mighty] One of Great Wisdom”) 

      in Celtic religion, one of the leaders of a mythological Irish people, the Tuatha Danann (“People of the Goddess Danu”). The Dagda was credited with many powers and possessed a caldron that was never empty, fruit trees that were never barren, and two pigsone live and the other perpetually roasting. He also had a huge club that had the power both to kill men and to restore them to life. With his harp, which played by itself, he summoned the seasons. The Dagda mated with the sinister war goddess Morrígan.

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