Dafydd ap Gwilym

Dafydd ap Gwilym
/dah"vidh ahp gwi"lim/
c1340-c1400, Welsh poet.

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Welsh poet
born c. 1320, probably at Brogynin, Cardiganshire, Wales
buried c. 1360, Strata Florida, Cardiganshire

      poet generally considered one of the greatest figures in Welsh literature. He introduced into a formalistic poetic tradition an authenticity, freshness, and naturalness hitherto unknown.

      Little is known of his life, except that he was a member of an aristocratic family from South Wales, that he visited Anglesey and Caernarvonshire, and that he knew many prominent families in Cardiganshire. His awdlau (odes) and cywyddau (rhymed couplets) show that he was trained in the Welsh bardic art and connect him historically with the nativepoets of the princes.” His use of certain poetic conventions as well as of looser poetic constructions and vocabulary probably reflect the influence of the troubadours and wandering scholars.

      His outstanding poems are elaborate descriptions of the beauties of nature and of love. The freedom and lightheartedness that Dafydd ap Gwilym introduced into bardic poetry influenced succeeding generations of Welsh poets.

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