
/suy"beuhr pungk'/, n.
1. science fiction featuring extensive human interaction with supercomputers and a punk ambiance.
2. Slang. a computer hacker.
[1985-90; CYBER(NETIC) + PUNK2]

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      a science-fiction (science fiction) subgenre characterized by countercultural antiheroes trapped in a dehumanized, high-tech future.

      The word cyberpunk was coined by writer Bruce Bethke, who wrote a story with that title in 1982. He derived the term from the words cybernetics, the science of replacing human functions with computerized ones, and punk, the cacophonous music and nihilistic sensibility that developed in the youth culture during the 1970s and '80s. Science-fiction editor Gardner Dozois is generally credited with having popularized the term.

      The roots of cyberpunk extend past Bethke's tale to the technological fiction of the 1940s and '50s, to the writings of Samuel R. Delany (Delany, Samuel R.) and others who took up themes of alienation in a high-tech future, and to the criticism of Bruce Sterling (Sterling, Bruce), who in the 1970s called for science fiction that addressed the social and scientific concerns of the day. Not until the publication of William Gibson (Gibson, William)'s 1984 novel Neuromancer, however, did cyberpunk take off as a movement within the genre. Other members of the cyberpunk school include Sterling, John Shirley, and Rudy Rucker.

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Universalium. 2010.

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