Dyer, Mary Barrett

Dyer, Mary Barrett

▪ Quaker martyr
née  Mary Barrett 
born early 1600s, probably Somersetshire, Eng.
died June 1, 1660, Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony [now in Mass., U.S.]

      British-born religious figure whose martyrdom to her Quaker faith helped relieve the persecution of that group in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

      Married in 1633 in London to William Dyer, Mary Dyer went with him to America (c. 1635) and settled in Boston. She began to accept the antinomian religious views of Anne Hutchinson (Hutchinson, Anne) and in 1638 followed Hutchinson into banishment in Rhode Island. Dyer's husband joined in the founding of Portsmouth (Rhode Island) and became a leading figure in the new colony.

      From 1652 to 1657 Dyer lived in England with her husband. During that time she became a member of the Society of Friends (Friends, Society of) (Quakers). Upon her return to New England in 1657 she took up missionary work on behalf of the Quakers. Severe anti-Quaker laws passed in 1657 and 1658 made Dyer's work in Massachusetts extremely perilous. She suffered imprisonment in Boston in 1657 and expulsion from New Haven, Connecticut, in 1658 in the course of her missionary travels. In 1659 she was again imprisoned briefly in Boston, where she had gone to visit two other imprisoned Friends, and in September of that year she was formally banished, a sentence that carried the threat of execution should she return. Dyer nonetheless did return in October. Arrested and condemned, she was reprieved while at the gallows (two others were hanged that day) by the intercession of her son and the governors of Connecticut and Nova Scotia. She was again expelled.

      In May 1660, in obedience to her conscience and in defiance of the law, Dyer returned once more to Boston. An appeal to her to acquiesce in banishment failed, and she was hanged publicly on June 1, 1660. Her death came gradually to be considered a martyrdom even in Massachusetts, where it hastened the easing of anti-Quaker statutes.

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