Canaris, Wilhelm

Canaris, Wilhelm

▪ German admiral
born Jan. 1, 1887, Aplerbeck, Westphalia, Ger.
died April 9, 1945, Flossenbürg concentration camp, Bavaria

      German admiral, head of military intelligence (Abwehr) under the Nazi regime and a key participant in the resistance of military officers to Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf).

      Having served in the navy during World War I, Canaris was a member of the military tribunal that sentenced the murderers of the German communist theoretician Rosa Luxemburg, and then he allegedly helped one of the condemned officers to escape.

      Appointed head of the Abwehr (January 1935), he organized German aid to General Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War. Believing that the Nazi regime would ultimately destroy traditional conservative values and that its foreign ambitions were dangerous to Germany, he enlisted some of the anti-Hitler conspirators into the Abwehr and shielded their activities. He was transferred to the economic staff of the armed forces (February 1944) after an investigation of the Abwehr by the Schutzstaffel (SS); he remained there until after the abortive assassination attempt against Hitler (July 20, 1944), when he was arrested and executed.

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  • Canaris, Wilhelm (Franz) — born Jan. 1, 1887, Aplerbeck, Westphalia, Ger. died April 9, 1945, Flossenbürg concentration camp, Bavaria German naval officer. Under Adolf Hitler, Canaris became head of military intelligence (Abwehr) in 1935. Believing that the Nazi regime… …   Universalium

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  • Canaris, Wilhelm (Franz) — (1 ene. 1887, Aplerbeck, Westfalia, Alemania–9 abr. 1945, campo de concentración de Flossenbürg, Baviera). Oficial naval alemán. Bajo Adolf Hitler, se convirtió en jefe de inteligencia militar (Abwehr) en 1935. En la creencia que el régimen nazi… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Wilhelm Canaris — Wilhelm Franz Canaris Jefe de la Abwehr Almirante Añ …   Wikipedia Español

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  • CANARIS (W.) — CANARIS WILHELM (1887 1945) amiral allemand Fils d’un maître de forges, Karl Canaris, de lointaine ascendance italienne, Wilhelm Canaris est le benjamin de trois enfants. Intelligent, vif d’esprit, espiègle, il fait ses études au lycée de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Canaris — Canaris,   Wilhelm Franz, Admiral (1940), * Aplerbeck (heute zu Dortmund) 1. 1. 1887, ✝ (hingerichtet) KZ Flossenbürg 9. 4. 1945; im Ersten Weltkrieg u. a. beim Admiralstab und bei der U Boot Waffe aktiv; arbeitete 1924 28 in der Marineleitung,… …   Universal-Lexikon

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