1agitator — AGITATÓR, OÁRE, agitatori, oare, s.m. şi f., s.n. I. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face agitaţie (politică) în vederea unei acţiuni. ♦ Mijloc prin care se realizează agitaţia (3). II. s.n. 1. (chim.) Dispozitiv sau aparat care serveşte la amestecarea… …
2agitator — agìtātor (agitȃtor) m DEFINICIJA onaj koji agitira [politički agitator; idejni agitator] ETIMOLOGIJA vidi agitirati …
3Agitator — is a term for a person that actively supports some ideology or movement with speeches and especially actions.English AgitatorsIn the English speaking world, the term first referred to men who were elected to present complaints of army soldiers,… …
4agitator — (n.) 1640s, agent noun from AGITATE (Cf. agitate) (v.); originally elected representative of the common soldiers in Cromwell s army, who brought grievances (chiefly over lack of pay) to their officers and Parliament. Political sense is first… …
5Agitator — Ag i*ta tor, n. [L.] 1. One who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others; as, political reformers and agitators. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eng. Hist.) One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell s time, to look after their interests;… …
6Agitator — (lat.), 1) (röm. Ant.), Wagenlenker bei den Wettrennen in den Circusspielen; 2) (fr. Agitateur, spr. Aschitator), Unruhstifter, Aufrührer, der entweder durch Aufreizungen Revolutionen vorbereitet u. zum Ausbruch bringt, od. ausgebrochene nährt;… …
7Agitātor — (lat., »Treiber«), jemand, der auf irgend einem Gebiete geistiger Tätigkeit, namentlich in der Politik, die Meinung der großen Masse bearbeitet …
8agitator — index catalyst, demagogue, hoodlum, insurgent, malcontent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
9Agitator — Agitator,der:⇨Propagandist …
10agitator — is spelt or, not er …