write out fair

  • 21Magistrates of England and Wales — This article is part of the series: Courts of England and Wales Law of England and Wales …


  • 22Ruffini's rule — In mathematics, Ruffini s rule allows the rapid division of any polynomial by a binomial of the form x − r . It was described by Paolo Ruffini in 1809. Ruffini s rule is a special case of long division when the divisor is a linear factor. Ruffini …


  • 23Les Préludes (Liszt) — Les Préludes is the third of Franz Liszt s twelve Symphonic Poems. [ Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe , although as well a Symphonic Poem, was in the 1880s composed not as part of Liszt s former cycle, but as single piece. There is no No. 13 in the… …


  • 24draft — Synonyms and related words: CD, IOU, MO, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, acceptance, acceptance bill, adumbrate, air current, arrangement, article, attraction, autograph, bag, bang, bank acceptance, bank check, beverage …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 25Carroll, Lewis — orig. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson born Jan. 27, 1832, Daresbury, Cheshire, Eng. died Jan. 14, 1898, Guildford, Surrey British logician, mathematician, and novelist. An unmarried deacon and a lecturer in mathematics at the University of Oxford, he… …


  • 26copy — Synonyms and related words: Doppelganger, Photostat, Xerox, abstract, abstraction, act, act a part, act as, act like, act out, actual thing, adopt, affect, agent, altarpiece, alternate, alternative, analogy, ape, appear like, approach,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 27Search for Tomorrow — Series title card from December 23, 1981 to February 25, 1986 Genre Soap opera Created by …


  • 28Empress Jia Nanfeng — (賈南風) (257 300), nickname Shi (時), of the Jin Dynasty (265 420) was the daughter of Jia Chong and first wife of Emperor Hui. She is commonly seen as a villainous figure in Chinese history, as the person who provoked the War of the Eight Princes,… …


  • 29Engrossing — Engrossing, forestalling and regrating were marketing offences in English common law. The terms were used to describe unacceptable methods of influencing the market, sometimes by creating a local monopoly for a certain good, usually food. The… …


  • 30scroll — Synonyms and related words: A string, Aldine, Aldine book, Amati, Cremona, D string, E string, Elzevir, Elzevir book, G string, Strad, Stradivari, Stradivarius, account, agenda, annals, article, autograph, bass, bass viol, beadroll, blank, bow,… …

    Moby Thesaurus