without business

  • 1Business valuation — is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to consummate a sale of a… …


  • 2Business ecology — Business Ecology: Moving beyond Ecology As a Metaphor Current Definitions of Business Ecology The use of the term “business ecology” is not new. Yet, previous conceptualizations of the term have not yielded a meaning that sufficiently represents… …


  • 3Business speak — Business speak, also management speak refers to a particular syntax often used in large organizations. The tone is associated with managers of large corporations, business management consultants, and occasionally government. The term is typically …


  • 4Business process interoperability — (BPI) is a state that exists when a business process can meet a specific objective automatically utilizing essential human labor only. Typically, BPI is present when a process conforms to standards that enable it to achieve its objective… …


  • 5Business simulation game — Business simulation gamescite book|last=Rollings|first=Andrew|authorlink=|coauthors=Ernest Adams|title=Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design|publisher=New Riders Publishing|date=2003|location=|pages=417… …


  • 6Business rule — Business rules or business rulesets describe the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals. For example a business rule might state that no credit check is to be performed on return customers .… …


  • 7Business rules approach — Business rules are abstractions of the policies and practices of a business organization. The Business Rules Approach is a development methodology where rules are in a form that is used by, but does not have to be embedded in business process… …


  • 8Business Degree Programs in Central Europe — Business Degree Programs in English at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs I. History of Business Degree Programs at the Faculty of Business and Economics The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs …


  • 9business — I (affair) noun activity, concern, duty, interest, matter, mission, proceeding, proposition, responsibility, task, undertaking foreign phrases: Allena negotia exacto officio geruntur. The business of another is to be carried out with particular… …

    Law dictionary

  • 10Business process outsourcing — (BPO) contains the transmission of processes along with the associated operational activities and responsibilities, to a third party with at least a guaranteed equal service level and where the client contains a firm grip over the (activities of… …
