
  • 81desolate — 1. adjective 1) the desolate prairie Syn: bleak, stark, bare, dismal, grim; wild, inhospitable; deserted, uninhabited, godforsaken, abandoned, unpeopled, untenanted, empty, barren; unfrequented, unvisited …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 82empty — 1. adjective 1) an empty house Syn: vacant, unoccupied, uninhabited, untenanted, bare, desolate, deserted, abandoned; clear, free Ant: full 2) an empty threat …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 83uninhabited — adjective most of the village has been uninhabited since the epidemic in the seventies Syn: unpopulated, unpeopled, unsettled, vacant, empty, unoccupied; unlived in, untenanted …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 84unoccupied — adjective 1) an unoccupied house Syn: vacant, empty, uninhabited, unlived in, untenanted, abandoned; free, available Ant: inhabited 2) an unoccupied territory Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 85vacant — adjective 1) a vacant house Syn: empty, unoccupied, available, not in use, free, unfilled; uninhabited, untenanted Ant: full, occupied 2) a vacant look Syn …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 86deserted — adj 1. forsaken, abandoned, neglected; cast off, rejected, shunned, ignored, outcast; forlorn, Poetic. lorn, woeful, wretched, unfortunate, friendless, unfriended; destitute, bereft, bereaved. 2. untenanted, tenantless, uninhabited, unoccupied,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 87desolate — adj 1. devastated, laid waste, desolated, barren; ravaged, gutted, wrecked, ruined, destroyed. 2. deserted, uninhabited, unpeopled, depopulated, untenanted, unoccupied; desert, waste, wild, bare, empty, destitute; unvisited, unfrequented,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 88empty — adj 1. void, vacant, without contents, unfilled, hollow, Scot, and North Eng. toom; unfurnished, bare, barren, blank, unadorned; depleted, (of alcoholic beverage containers) Inf. dead, exhausted, drained, spent. 2. unoccupied, untenanted,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 89free — adj 1. independent, self governed, self governing, self directing, inner directed; sovereign, autonomous, unsubject, uncolonial; enfranchised, freeborn. 2. unconfined, at liberty, at large, loose, on the loose; freed, liberated, released, let out …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 90open — adj 1. unclosed, unshut, wide open, agape, gaping, yawning, patulous, ringent, dehiscent; (of a door) unlocked, unbolted, unlatched, ajar, sprung, jimmied; (of a window) raised, up; (of a drawer) pulled out, sticking out, protruding; (of a box)… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder