
  • 131moan — n 1. groan, sough, sigh, hum; murmur, whimper, breathing; rumble, ruffle, ripple; susurration, susurrus, whisper, rustle; wail, ululation, keen v 2. groan, wail, sigh; keen, ululate, weep, sob, cry; yawp, bawl; whine, whimper, mewl, pule, snivel …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132mourning — n 1. sorrowing, lamentation, grieving, lamenting, groaning, moaning, bemoaning, bewailing; wailing, howling, keening, Yiddish. kvitching; crying, weeping, sobbing, bawling; complaint, Archaic. plaint, moan, groan; keen, wail, ululation, howl; cry …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder