take down a peg
1take\ down\ a\ peg — • take down a notch • take down a peg v. phr. informal To make (someone) less proud or sure of himself. The team was feeling proud of its record, but last week the boys were taken down a peg by a bad defeat …
2take down a peg — ( ● peg …
3take down a peg — If you take someone down a peg, you make that person realize that they are not as important as they think they are. He was too proud. Somebody had to take him down a peg …
4take down a peg or two — wouldn t I just love to take that Mr. Bigshot down a peg or two Syn: humble, humiliate, mortify, bring down, shame, embarrass, abash, put someone in their place, chasten, subdue, squash, deflate, make someone eat humble pie; informal show up,… …
5take down a peg or two — Meaning To lower someone s high opinion of themselves. Origin Possibly derived from the naval practise of tying flag ropes to pegs. The higher the peg, the higher the status …
6Take down a peg — humble …
7take down a peg — Australian Slang humble …
8take down a peg — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. meeken, demean, chastise, chasten; see humble …
9take down a peg (to) — Deflate or lower someone …
10take\ down\ a\ notch — • take down a notch • take down a peg v. phr. informal To make (someone) less proud or sure of himself. The team was feeling proud of its record, but last week the boys were taken down a peg by a bad defeat …