surround with palings
1impale — v. a. 1. Thrust upon a stake, kill by impaling. 2. Fence, surround with palings, enclose with palisades …
2enclose — vb Enclose, envelop, fence, pen, coop, corral, cage, wall mean to surround so as to shut in or confine actually or apparently. Enclose implies a shutting in by barriers (as walls) or in an enveloping cover (as a case); the term may be used… …
3fence — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. barrier, barricade, wall, stockade, paling, hedge, railing; slang, bagman or woman, receiver [of stolen goods]. v. i. en close; fight, thrust and parry; parry, evade; slang, bootleg, black market,… …
4wind — wind, breeze, gale, hurricane, zephyr are comparable rather than synonymous terms that can all basically mean air in motion. Wind is the general term referable to any sort of natural motion whatever its degree of velocity or of force {a strong… …