soothing medicine

  • 71balm — [n1] oily substance analgesic, application, balsam, cerate, compound, cream, demulcent, dressing, embrocation, emollient, formula, lotion, medicine, ointment, potion, poultice, preparation, prescription, salve, soother, soothing agent, unction,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 72emollient — [ē mäl′yənt, ē mäl′ē ənt; imäl′yənt, imäl′ē ənt; ] also [, ēmōl′yənt, ēmōl′ē ənt; imōl′yənt, imōl′ē ənt] adj. [L emolliens, prp. of emollire, to soften < e out + mollire, to soften < mollis, soft: see MILL1] softening; soothing n. something …

    English World dictionary

  • 73paregoric — [par΄ə gôr′ik] adj. [LL paregoricus < Gr parēgorikos < parēgoros, speaking, consoling, soothing < para , on the side of (see PARA 1) + agora, assembly, AGORA1] Archaic soothing or lessening pain n. 1. Archaic a medicine that soothes or… …

    English World dictionary

  • 74anetic — /ə netˈik/ (medicine) adjective Soothing ORIGIN: L aneticus, from Gr anetikos abating sickness * * * anetic, a. Med. (əˈnɛtɪk) [ad. L. anetic us, a. Gr. ἀνετικός fitted to relax, f. ἀνιέναι, see anesis.] Assuaging the severity (of a disease),… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 75de|mul|cent — «dih MUHL suhnt», adjective, noun. –adj. soothing. –n. a soothing ointment or medicine. ╂[< Latin dēmulcēns, entis, present participle of dēmulcēre < dē down + mulcēre soothe] …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 76Sandalwood — For other uses, see Sandalwood (disambiguation). Santalum paniculatum (ʻiliahi), Hawaiʻi Sandalwood is the name of a class of fragrant woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine grained, and unlike many other… …


  • 77Colonoscopy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 45.23 MeSH …


  • 78Antihemorrhagic — An antihemorrhagic (antihaemorrhagic) agent is a substance that promotes hemostasis (stops bleeding). They may also be known as hemostatic (also spelled haemostatic) agents. Styptics (also spelled stiptics) are a specific type of antihemorrhagic… …


  • 79Maggot therapy — A wound cleaned by maggots Maggot therapy (also known as maggot debridement therapy (MDT), larval therapy, larva therapy, larvae therapy, biodebridement or biosurgery) is a type of biotherapy involving the intentional introduction of live,… …


  • 80Mental health in Singapore during the colonial period — Mental health in Singapore has its roots in the West. The first medical personnel in the field were mostly from Britain. Medical education in the early years was almost exclusively for the British, until the establishment of King Edward VII… …
