science of divine things

  • 21Bahá'í Faith and science — A fundamental principle of the Bahá í Faith is the harmony of religion and science. Bahá í scripture asserts that true science and true religion can never be in conflict. [cite book | author=Various |authorlink=Universal House of Justice |… …


  • 22On the Nature of Things — (Latin: De rerum natura ) is a first century BC poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius with the goal of explaining Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience. The poem is divided into six books, and concentrates heavily on Epicurean… …


  • 23A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar —   …


  • 24Relationship between religion and science — Part of a series on Science …


  • 25Qur'an and science — The relation between Qur an and science is a strong relation in the Islamic thought. Almost all sources, classical and modern, agree that the Qur’an condones, even encourages the acquisition of science and scientific knowledge.Ahmad Dallal,… …


  • 26Religious Science — Religious Science, also known as Science of Mind, was founded in 1927 by Ernest Holmes (1887 1960) and is a spiritual/philosophical/metaphysical religious movement within the New Thought movement. In general, the term Science of Mind applies to… …


  • 27Political science — For the Randy Newman song of the same name, see Political Science (song). Part of the Politics series Politics …


  • 28Church of the Divine Unity — The Former Church of the Divine Unity General information Architectural style Gothic Revival Town or city New York, New York Country United States of America Construction started ? …


  • 29The Holy Science — is a book written by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri in 1894 under the title Kaivalya Darsanam . Sri Yukteswar states that he wrote The Holy Science at the request of Mahavatar Babaji. The book compares parallel passages from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita …


  • 30History of science — History of science …
