release from bondage

  • 101Householder (Buddhism) — DisplayTranslations title=Translations of Householder bordercolor=#af4630 | borderwidth=2px headercolor=#FFD068 | headertextcolor=DarkBlue rowcolor=#FFFEE8 | rowtextcolor=purple fontsize=100% English | householder Pali | IAST|gihin, gahattha,… …


  • 102Sariel — (Aramaic: זהריאל, Greek: ‘Ατριήλ, Command of God ) is one of the archangels mainly from Judaic tradition. Other possible versions of his name are Suriel, Suriyel (in some Dead Sea Scrolls translations), Esdreel, Sahariel, Juriel, Seriel, Sauriel …


  • 103Nirvana (Jainism) — Jainism This article is part of a series on Jainism Prayers and Vows …


  • 104emancipate — eman·ci·pate /i man sə ˌpāt/ vt pat·ed, pat·ing 1: to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; esp: to free from bondage emancipated the slaves compare enfranchise 2: to release from the care, r …

    Law dictionary

  • 105Married Women Who Want a Taste — Theatrical poster for Married Women Who Want a Taste (2003) Directed by Hideo Jōjō[1 …


  • 106man|u|mit — «MAN yuh MIHT», transitive verb, mit|ted, mit|ting. to set free from slavery or bondage: »The Christian masters were not bound to manumit their slaves, and yet were commended if they did so (Jeremy Taylor). ╂[< Latin manūmittere < manū… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 107American Civil War — American Civil War …


  • 108Charles Dickens — Dickens redirects here. For other uses, see Dickens (disambiguation). Charles Dickens …


  • 109Louis Brandeis — Louis Dembitz Brandeis Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court In office June 1, 1916[1] – February 13, 1939 …


  • 110Catholicism and Freemasonry — The Roman Catholic Church has long been an outspoken critic of Freemasonry, and has continually prohibited members from being Freemasons since In Eminenti Specula in 1739. Since the early 1700s, the Vatican has issued several papal bulls… …
