refusal to conform

  • 1conform */ — UK [kənˈfɔː(r)m] / US [kənˈfɔrm] verb [intransitive] Word forms conform : present tense I/you/we/they conform he/she/it conforms present participle conforming past tense conformed past participle conformed 1) to obey something such as a rule or… …

    English dictionary

  • 2conform — con|form [ kən fɔrm ] verb intransitive * 1. ) to behave in a way that people think is correct or suitable: Part of her charm was her refusal to conform. 2. ) conform to/with to obey something such as a rule or law: Products are always tested to… …

    Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • 3violating the law — refusal to conform to the orders of the law …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 4nonconformity — noun Date: 1618 1. a. failure or refusal to conform to an established church b. often capitalized the movement or principles of English Protestant dissent c. often capitalized the body of English Nonconformists 2. refusal to conform to an… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 5nonconformity — /non keuhn fawr mi tee/, n. 1. failure or refusal to conform, as with established customs, attitudes, or ideas. 2. lack of conformity or agreement. 3. (often cap.) refusal to conform to the Church of England. 4. Geol. an unconformity that… …


  • 6nonconformity — non•con•form•i•ty [[t]ˌnɒn kənˈfɔr mɪ ti[/t]] n. 1) failure or refusal to conform, as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas 2) lack of conformity or agreement 3) rel (often cap.) refusal to conform to the Church of England 4) an… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 7Non|con|form|i|ty — «NON kuhn FR muh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. lack of conformity; failure or refusal to conform. 2. failure or refusal to conform to an established church. 3. Geology. a break between rock strata in which the earlier rock formation is deformed and …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 8non|con|form|i|ty — «NON kuhn FR muh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. lack of conformity; failure or refusal to conform. 2. failure or refusal to conform to an established church. 3. Geology. a break between rock strata in which the earlier rock formation is deformed and …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9Noncompliance — The failure or refusal to comply: the failure or refusal to conform and adapt one s actions to a rule or to necessity. The term noncompliance is used in medicine particularly in regard to a patient not taking a prescribed medication or following… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 10Vestments controversy — The vestments controversy arose in the English Reformation, ostensibly concerning vestments, but more fundamentally concerned with English Protestant identity, doctrine, and various church practices. First initiated by John Hooper s rejection of… …
