
  • 131squat — v 1. crouch, sit on one s haunches or heels, hunker, hunker down, bend, bend down, stoop, hunch, hunch over. 2. cringe, cower, shrink, lie low, crawl, creep. 3. settle, take up residence, set up housekeeping, establish oneself, put down roots;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132stout — adj 1. thick, thickset, heavy, heavy set, stocky; fat, obese, corpulent, overweight, portly, pursy, Scot. fodgel; fleshy, filled out, well fed, bouncing; ample, substantial, full, big, large; bulky, hulky, hulking. 2. beefy, brawny, burly, husky …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder