purgative medicine

  • 21physic — 1. The art of medicine. 2. A medicine; often a lay term for a cathartic. [G. physikos, natural, physical] * * * phys·ic fiz ik n 1 a) the art or practice of healing disease b) the practice or profession of medicine 2) a medicinal agent or… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 22Potassium — The major positive ion (cation) found inside of cells. The chemical notation for potassium is K+. The proper level of potassium is essential for normal cell function. An abnormal increase of potassium (hyperkalemia) or decrease of potassium… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 23calomel — Mild mercury chloride; mercury monochloride, protochloride, or subchloride; has been used as an intestinal antiseptic and laxative; replaced by safer agents. SYN: mercurous chloride, sweet precipitate. [Mediev. L., fr. G. kalos, beautiful, +… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 24senna — The dried leaflets or legumes of Cassia acutifolia (Alexandrine s.) and C. angustifolia (Tinnevelly or Indian s.); a laxative. [Ar. sena] * * * sen·na sen ə n 1) any plant of the genus Cassia esp one used medicinally 2) the dried leaflets or pods …

    Medical dictionary

  • 25black hellebore — n 1) a European hellebore of the genus Helleborus (H. niger) having white or purplish roselike flowers produced in winter and a highly purgative root called also Christmas rose 2) the root of black hellebore * * * 1. Helleborus niger. 2. a… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 26purging agaric — n a common white basidiomycetous fungus (Fomitopsis officinalis syn. Fomes officinalis of the family Polyporaceae) that is found in the U.S. and Europe on conifers (as larch and pine) and that has been used in medicine as a purgative called also… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 27Laxative — Something that loosens the bowels. Used to combat constipation (and sometimes overused, producing diarrhea). The word “laxative” comes from the Latin “laxare” meaning “to open, widen, extend, release.” * * * 1. Mildly cathartic; having the action …

    Medical dictionary

  • 28Magnesium — A mineral involved in many processes in the body including nerve signaling, the building of healthy bones, and normal muscle contraction. Magnesium is contained in all unprocessed foods. High concentrations of magnesium are found in nuts,… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 29andira — The bark of A. inermis, a leguminous tree of tropical America, used as an emetic, purgative, and anthelmintic. SYN: cabbage tree, worm bark. [West Indian native name] …

    Medical dictionary

  • 30buckthorn — SYN: Rhamnus. * * * buck·thorn bək .thȯ(ə)rn n a shrub or tree of the genus Rhamnus sometimes having thorny branches and often containing purgative principles in bark or sap and producing fruits sometimes used as a source of yellow and green… …

    Medical dictionary