person present

  • 1Person — Per son, n. [OE. persone, persoun, person, parson, OF. persone, F. personne, L. persona a mask (used by actors), a personage, part, a person, fr. personare to sound through; per + sonare to sound. See {Per }, and cf. {Parson}.] 1. A character or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 2present — [prez′ənt; ] for v. [ prē zent′, prizent′] adj. [OFr < L praesens, prp. of praeesse, to be present < prae , before (see PRE ) + esse, to be (see ESSENCE)] 1. a) being at the specified or understood place; at hand; in attendance b) existing… …

    English World dictionary

  • 3Person-to-person lending — (also known as peer to peer lending, peer to peer investing, and social lending; abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is a certain breed of financial transaction (primarily lending and borrowing, though other more complicated transactions can… …


  • 4Person — • Discusses (1) the definition of person , especially with reference to the doctrine of the Incarnation; and (2) the use of the word persona and its Greek equivalents in connection with the Trinitarian disputes. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 5present — pre·sent 1 /pri zent/ vt 1: to lay before a court as an object of consideration present a complaint present ed a defense of insanity 2: to make a presentment of (an instrument) pre·sen·ta·tion /ˌprē ˌzen tā shən, ˌpre , zən / …

    Law dictionary

  • 6Person-centered therapy — Intervention MeSH D009629 …


  • 7Person-centered psychotherapy — Person Centered Therapy (PCT), also known as Client centered therapy or Rogerian Psychotherapy, was developed by the humanist psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s. The basic elements of Rogerian therapy involve showing congruence… …


  • 8person — [pʉr′sən] n. [ME persone < OFr < L persona, lit., actor s face mask, hence a character, person, prob. < Etr phersu, mask] 1. a human being, esp. as distinguished from a thing or lower animal; individual man, woman, or child: now usually… …

    English World dictionary

  • 9Present simple (inglés) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En inglés, Present simple es el tiempo verbal de presente (y aspecto no perfectivo) que expresa acción habitual, es decir, hábitos, rutinas en la vida cotidiana. Se diferencia del present perfect en que éste último… …

    Wikipedia Español

  • 10present sense impression — present sense im·pres·sion n: an out of court statement that describes or explains an event or condition and that was made during or immediately after the time the event or condition was perceived; also: an exception to the hearsay rule allowing… …

    Law dictionary