pending the suit or action

  • 1pending — pend·ing 1 / pen diŋ/ prep 1: during the time of 2: while awaiting: in the time preceding held in escrow pending the outcome of the suit free pending trial pending 2 adj 1 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2action — ac·tion n [Latin actio legal proceeding, from agere to do, carry out, initiate legal proceedings] 1 a: a judicial proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the redress or prevention of a wrong, or the punishment of a public offense …

    Law dictionary

  • 3The United States of America —     The United States of America     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The United States of America     BOUNDARIES AND AREA     On the east the boundary is formed by the St. Croix River and an arbitrary line to the St. John, and on the north by the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 4The People's Court — This article is about a US television program. For other similarly named entities, see People s Court (disambiguation). The People s Court Format Judicial Created by John Masterson Presented by …


  • 5pending action — An action which has been commenced and has not been terminated by a final judgment or order. Under statutes providing for removal of causes, it may be said in general that whatever the form of proceeding to bring the defendant into court, the… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 6The Cannon Group — The Cannon Group, Inc. Industry Movie studio Fate Bankruptcy (Original) Successor MGM and New Cannon Productions …


  • 7The Maltese Double Cross — – Lockerbie is a documentary film about the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. Produced, written, and directed by Allan Francovich and financed by Tiny Rowland, the film was released by Hemar Enterprises in November 1994.[1] Though it was never… …


  • 8Criticism of The Walt Disney Company — The Walt Disney Company s media releases and company practices have prompted action from activists, artists, and causes around the world. Contents 1 Criticism from special interest groups 1.1 Subliminal messages 2 Company officials …


  • 9pending — Begun, but not yet completed; during; before the conclusion of; prior to the completion of; unsettled; undetermined; in process of settlement or adjustment. Awaiting an occurrence or conclusion of action, period of continuance or indeterminacy.… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 10action — A judicial proceeding, either in law or in equity, to obtain relief at the hands of a court. A judicial remedy for the enforcement or protection of a right, or a legal proceeding in which a plaintiff claims against a defendant or fund the… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary