
  • 111forlorn — adj 1. miserable, wretched, abject, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, pathetic, pathetical, woebegone, woeful, Archaic. woesome, Obs. baleful; desolate, dreary, Literary. drear, dismal, gloomy, lugubrious, funereal; depressed, dispirited, dejected,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 112miserable — adj 1. forlorn, woeful or woful, woebegone, Archaic. woesome, Obs. baleful, heartsick, downhearted, broken hearted, heartbroken, crushed, broken, desolate, despairing; worried, anxious, afflicted, stricken, heavy laden; down, disconsolate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 113moneyless — adj 1. penniless, without a cent, Fr. sans sou. poor as a churchmouse, poor as Job s turkey, unable to keep the wolf from the door; busted, Inf. broke or flat broke, Inf. hard up, Sl. stony or stone broke; bankrupt, out of pocket, without funds,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 114penniless — adj 1. without a cent, Fr. sans sou. poor as a churchmouse, poor as Job s turkey, unable to keep the wolf from the door; moneyless, Inf. broke or flat broke, busted, Inf. hard up, Sl. stony or stone broke; bankrupt, out of pocket, without funds,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 115sorry — adj 1. remorseful, regretful, rueful, contrite, compunctious; conscience stricken, conscience smitten, guilt ridden, repining, regretting, full of regrets; apologetic, repentant, penitent, pentitential, atoning, in sackcloth and ashes; humbled,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 116seedy — a. (Colloq.) 1. Old, worn, faded shabby. 2. Poor, needy, destitute, indigent, distressed, penniless, pinched, out of money, short of money, out of pocket, out of cash, out at the elbows, in need, in want, in distress …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 117splay — v., n., & adj. v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by out) spread (the elbows, feet, etc.) out. 2 intr. (of an aperture or its sides) diverge in shape or position. 3 tr. construct (a window, doorway, aperture, etc.) so that it diverges or is wider at one side… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 118heel — n 1. foot, hoof, kicker, Latin, calx; heel bone, Anat. calcaneus, Anat. os calcis; (of some animals) hock, Anat. hallux, (of birds) spur. 2. lift, heelpiece, heeltap, spike, wedgie. 3. conclusion, tail end, fag end, rind, crust; remnant,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 119penurious — adj 1. stingy, parsimonious, miserly, carking, skinflinty; mean, tight, tight fisted, close fisted; cheap, Sl. chintzy, moneygrubbing, grasping; niggardly, Rare. illiberal, cheeseparing; scrimping, penny pinching, grudging, begrudging, ungenerous …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120ruined — adj 1. dilapidated, decrepit, in ruins, derelict, gone to wrack and ruin, the worse for wear, weather beaten, weather scarred, blasted; blighted, rotting, deteriorated, crumbling, falling down, going to pieces, Inf. tottering, nodding to its… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder