oblique-angled parallelogram

  • 1rhomb(us) —   n. equilateral oblique angled parallelogram.    ♦ rhombic(al),    ♦ rhombiform, a.    ♦ rhombohedron, n. (pl. dra) six sided prism with each face a parallelogram.    ♦ rhomboid, n. oblique angled and non equilateral parallelogram; a. like rhomb …

    Dictionary of difficult words

  • 2Rhomboid — Rhom boid (r[o^]m boid), n. [Gr. ??? rhomboidal; ??? rhomb + e i^dos shape: cf. F. rhombo[ i]de.] (Geom.) An oblique angled parallelogram like a rhomb, but having only the opposite sides equal, the length and with being different. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 3rhomboid — rhomboidally, adv. /rom boyd/, n. 1. an oblique angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal. 2. Anat. rhomboideus. adj. 3. Also, rhomboidal. having a form like or similar to that of a rhombus; shaped like a rhomboid. [1560 70; < LL&#8230; …


  • 4lozenge — n. 1. Rhomb, rhombus, oblique angled parallelogram (with equal sides), diamond. 2. Troche …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 5rhomb — n. Rhombus, lozenge, oblique angled parallelogram (with equal sides) …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 6rhomboid —   Of a 3 dimensional structure shaped like an oblique angled parallelogram having four equal sides (= rhombus); of sporophylls, diamond shaped with equal sides, e.g. the bullae of Encephalartos concinnus …

    Expanded glossary of Cycad terms

  • 7rhomboid — rhom•boid [[t]ˈrɒm bɔɪd[/t]] n. 1) math. an oblique angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal 2) anat. rhomboideus 3) math. Also, rhom•boi′dal. having a form similar to that of a rhombus; shaped like a rhomboid • Etymology: 1560–70; …

    From formal English to slang

  • 8rhomboid — /ˈrɒmbɔɪd / (say romboyd) noun 1. an oblique angled parallelogram with only the opposite sides equal. –adjective Also, rhomboidal /rɒmˈbɔɪdl/ (say rom boydl). 2. having a form like, or approaching that of, a rhombus; shaped like a rhomboid. {Late …

  • 9rhombus — /rom beuhs/, n., pl. rhombuses, rhombi / buy/. 1. an oblique angled equilateral parallelogram; any equilateral parallelogram except a square. 2. an equilateral parallelogram, including the square as a special case. 3. a rhombohedron. [1560 70; <&#8230; …


  • 10rhombus — /ˈrɒmbəs / (say rombuhs) noun (plural rhombuses or rhombi /ˈrɒmbaɪ/ (say rombuy)) 1. an oblique angled equilateral parallelogram. 2. → rhombohedron. {Latin, from Greek rhombos} …