not to be inverted

  • 11Inverted roller coaster — An inverted roller coaster is a roller coaster in which the train runs under the track with the seats directly attached to the wheel carriage. This latter attribute is what sets it apart from the older suspended coaster, which runs under the… …


  • 12Inverted vee antenna — An inverted vee antenna is a modified dipole antenna supported in the center with the ends lower than the center. Viewed from the side, it looks like the English letter V turned upside down, hence the name. Inverted vee antennas are commonly used …


  • 13Inverted river delta — An inverted river delta is special category of river delta in which the narrow end of the delta emerges on the seafront and the wide end is located further inland, so that with respect to the seafront, the locations of both ends of the delta are… …


  • 14inverted vision —    Also known as reversal of vision metamorphopsia. The term inverted vision comes from the Latin words inverto (to turn around, to change) and visio (seeing). It is used to denote a rare visual phenomenon in which objects of fixation, and… …

    Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • 15Inverted trough — An inverted trough is an atmospheric trough which is oriented opposite to most troughs of the mid latitudes. Most (but not all) inverted troughs are tropical waves (also commonly called easterly waves).Most troughs of low pressure in the mid… …


  • 16Inverted Hungarian Opening — Chess diagram|= tright| = rd| |bd|qd|kd|bd|nd|rd|= pd|pd|pd|pd| |pd|pd|pd|= | |nd| | | | | |= | | | |pd| | | |= | | | |pl| | | |= | | | | |nl| | |= pl|pl|pl|pl|bl|pl|pl|pl|= rl|nl|bl|ql|kl| | |rl|=|The Inverted Hungarian Opening or Tayler Opening …


  • 17Inverted detective story — An inverted detective story, also known as a howcatchem , is a murder mystery fiction structure in which the commission of the crime is shown or described at the beginning, usually including the identity of the perpetrator. The story then… …


  • 18Inverted minors — The term inverted minors refers to a treatment used by the Kaplan Sheinwold (K S) bidding system (Precision, as originally structured, also used inverted minors over a 1Diams opening). Under this treatment, a single raise of opener s minor suit… …


  • 19inverted comma — in.verted comma n [C usually plural] BrE 1.) one of a pair of marks ( ) that are put at the beginning and end of a written word, sentence etc to show that someone said it or wrote it, or when writing the title of a book, song etc = ↑quotation… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 20inverted comma — noun (countable usually plural) BrE 1 one of a pair of marks (“ ”) or ( ) that are put at the beginning and end of a written word, sentence etc to show that someone said it or wrote it, or when writing the title of a book, song etc; quotation… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English