1Возврат похищенных активов. Руководство по конфискации активов вне уголовного производства _ Stolen Asset Recovery: A Good Practices Guide for Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture , Гринберг Теодор, Сэмюэль Линда, Вингейт Грант, Грей Ларисса / Theodore S. Greenberg, Linda M. Samuel, Wingate Grant (2010)
356 стр. Созданное специалистами Всемирного банка, Руководство посвящено вопросам реализации Инициативы ООН… 507 грн (только Украина)2Conscience , Strohm Paul (2011)
Where does our conscience come from? How reliable is it? In the West conscience has been relied upon for two thousand years as a judgement that distinguishes right from wrong. It has effortlessly… 493 руб3Conscience , Strohm Paul (2011)
Where does our conscience come from? How reliable is it? In the West conscience has been relied upon for two thousand years as a judgement that distinguishes right from wrong. It has effortlessly… 674 грн (только Украина)4The Impact Investor. Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism , Jed Emerson
Your money can change the world The Impact Investor: Lessons in Leadership and Strategy for Collaborative Capitalism offers precise details on what, exactly, impact investing entails, embodied in the… 2601.58 руб электронная книга5Double vie , Assouline Pierre (2002)
Ils avaient conscience que, apr&# 232;s s'&# 234;tre simplement aim&# 233;s, ils s'aimaient encore. Quand il leur arrivait de ne plus s'aimer, ils s'accommodaient de la situation. Non plus par… 867 руб