mean flatterer
1wheedler — n. 1. Flatterer, coaxer. 2. Sycophant, parasite, fawner, toady, flunky, spaniel, lick spittle, pick thank, toad eater, time server, hanger on, mean flatterer …
2placebo — pla·ce·bo (plə sē’bō) n. pl. pla·ce·bos or pla·ce·boes 1) a) A substance that has positive effects as a result of a patient s perception that it is beneficial rather than as a result of a causative ingredient. b) An inactive substance or… …
3Toadies — Toady Toad y, n.; pl. {Toadies}. [Shortened from toadeater.] 1. A mean flatterer; a toadeater; a sycophant. [1913 Webster] Before I had been standing at the window five minutes, they somehow conveyed to me that they were all toadies and humbugs.… …
4Toady — Toad y, n.; pl. {Toadies}. [Shortened from toadeater.] 1. A mean flatterer; a toadeater; a sycophant. [1913 Webster] Before I had been standing at the window five minutes, they somehow conveyed to me that they were all toadies and humbugs.… …
5Valerius Maximus — was a Latin writer and author of a collection of historical anecdotes. He flourished in the reign of Tiberius.Personal History of Valerius MaximusNothing is known of his personal history except that his family was poor and undistinguished, and… …
6lickspittle — n. Abject parasite, mean flatterer, lick platter, lick trencher …
7sycophant — n. Parasite, fawner, toady, wheedler, flunky, spaniel, lick spittle, pick thank, toad eater, time server, hanger on, mean flatterer …
8Nicomachean Ethics — Part of a series on Aristotle …
9Mandarin Chinese profanity — The traditional Chinese characters for the word huàidàn (壞蛋/坏蛋), a Mandarin Chinese profanity meaning, literally, bad egg Mandarin Chinese profanity consists of many slang words and insults involving sex. While many offensive words and expletives …
10Sermonum liber primus — (also known as Satires I ), is a collection of ten satirical poems written by the Roman poet Horace. Composed in dactylic hexameters, Horace s Satires explore the secrets of human happiness and literary perfection. Published probably in 35 BCE… …