malignant spirit

  • 121Folklore of the Low Countries — Netherlandish Proverbs, by artist Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1559, with peasant scenes illustrating over 100 proverbs Folklore of the Low Countries, often just referred to as Dutch folklore, includes the epics, legends, fairy tales and oral… …


  • 122Mars surface color — Rock strewn surface imaged by Mars Pathfinder The apparent color of the Martian surface enabled humans to distinguish it from other planets early in human history and motivated them to weave fables of war in association with Mars. One of its… …


  • 123William Breitbart — William S. Breitbart, FAPM, is an American psychiatrist who is an international leader in the fields of Psychosomatic Medicine, Psycho oncology, and Palliative Care. Dr. Breitbart, a renown clinician, researcher, and educator, is the Chief of the …


  • 124Lana Lang (Smallville) — Lana Lang Smallville character First appearance Pilot Created by …


  • 125John Rutsey — Rush von links: Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee und Neil Peart. Gründung 1968 Genre Progressive Rock Website …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 126Plotinus — /ploh tuy neuhs/, n. A.D. 205? 270?, Roman philosopher, born in Egypt. * * * born AD 205, Lyco, or Lycopolis, Egypt? died 270, Campania Egyptian Roman philosopher. At age 27 he traveled to Alexandria, where he studied philosophy for 11 years. In… …


  • 127Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola —     Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola     Italian painter; b. at Imola, c. 1494; d. at Bologna, c. 1550. When but twelve years of age he arrived at the latter city to study …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 128Boniface VIII —     Pope Boniface VIII     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Boniface VIII     (BENEDETTO GAETANO)     Born at Anagni about 1235; died at Rome, 11 October, 1303. He was the son of Loffred, a descendant of a noble family originally Spanish, but long… …

    Catholic encyclopedia