make straight

  • 61make a beeline for — {v. phr.} To go in a straight line toward. * /The runner made a beeline for first base./ * /When the bell rang Ted made a beeline for the door of the classroom./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 62make a beeline for — {v. phr.} To go in a straight line toward. * /The runner made a beeline for first base./ * /When the bell rang Ted made a beeline for the door of the classroom./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 63make\ a\ beeline\ for — v. phr. To go in a straight line toward. The runner made a beeline for first base. When the bell rang Ted made a beeline for the door of the classroom …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 64make a beeline — go straight towards    When the kids saw the ice cream man, they all made a beeline for him …

    English idioms

  • 65straight man — noun (C) a male entertainer who works with a comedian, providing him or her with opportunities to make jokes …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 66Ford Straight-6 engine — Straight 6 Manufacturer Ford Motor Company Production 1941 1996 (US) 1960 present (AUS) 1961 1991 (ARG) …


  • 67Gay–straight alliance — Gay–straight alliances are student organizations, found primarily in North American high schools and universities, that are intended to provide a safe and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth and their… …


  • 68Balkline and straight rail — Balkline (sometimes spelled balk line)Cite journal url= Page=10 SelectedEntity=Ar01031 skin=BEagle GZ=T title=To Play 14 inch Balk Line author=… …


  • 69get something straight — phrase to correctly understand something Let me get this straight – you didn’t know they had your car. Thesaurus: to understand somethingsynonym Main entry: straight * * * make a situation clear, esp. by reaching an understanding * * * get sth… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 70Willard Straight Hall — is the student union building on the central campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. It is located on Campus Road, adjacent to the Ho Plaza and the Gannett Health Center.HistoryWhen Willard Straight Hall opened, it was one of the few… …
