make obdurate
1harden — I. /ˈhadn/ (say hahdn) verb (t) 1. to make hard or harder. 2. to make obdurate or unyielding; make unfeeling or pitiless: to harden one s heart. 3. to strengthen or confirm with respect to any element of character; toughen. 4. to make hardy,… …
2harden — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. anneal, fire; steel; congeal, thicken (see hardness); accustom, inure, blunt. See habit, insensibility. Ant., soften. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To make less pervious] Syn. steel, temper, anneal, solidify …
3harden — I. v. a. 1. Indurate, make hard, make callous. 2. Habituate, inure, season, accustom, form, train, discipline. 3. Strengthen, fortify, steel, nerve, brace. 4. Sear, make callous, render insensible or unimpressible, make unfeeling. 5. Make… …
4indurate — v. a. 1. Harden, render hard, make hard. 2. Make obdurate, make unfeeling, sear …
5obfirm — transitive verb also obfirmate ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: obfirm from Latin obfirmare, offirmare, from ob , of to, against, over + firmare to make firm; obfirmate from Latin obfirmatus, offirmatus, past participle of obfirmare, offirmare to make… …
6petrify — v. a. 1. Change to stone, convert to stone. 2. Make callous, make obdurate. 3. Astonish, amaze, astound, dumfound, confound, stupefy, take by surprise, strike dumb, stun …
7molar — by Tom Conley The adjective molar belongs to a chemical idiolect that Deleuze uses to inform his work on aesthetics and politics. In a strict sense things molar relate to aggregates of matter and not to either their molecular or atomic… …
8molar — by Tom Conley The adjective molar belongs to a chemical idiolect that Deleuze uses to inform his work on aesthetics and politics. In a strict sense things molar relate to aggregates of matter and not to either their molecular or atomic… …
9Battle of the Barents Sea — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Barents Sea caption= partof=World War II date=December 31, 1942 place=Barents Sea, north of North Cape, Norway result=Strategic British Victory combatant1= combatant2= commander1=Rear Admiral… …
10Actual Grace — • A grace that is given for the performance of salutary acts and is present and disappears with the action itself Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Actual Grace Actual Grace …