make legal

  • 1make legal — index authorize, constitute (establish), legalize, legislate, legitimate, pass (approve), validate …

    Law dictionary

  • 2Legal writing — is a type of technical writing used by legislators, lawyers, judges, and others in law to express legal analysis and legal rights and duties. Its distinguishing features include reliance on and citation to authority, importance of precedent,… …


  • 3Legal Tender Cases — The Legal Tender Cases were a series of United States Supreme Court cases in the latter part of the nineteenth century that affirmed the constitutionality of paper money. In the 1870 case of Hepburn v. Griswold , the Court had held that paper… …


  • 4Legal personality — (also artificial personality, juridical personality, and juristic personality) is the characteristic of a non human entity regarded by law to have the status of a person. A legal person (Latin: persona ficta), (also artificial person, juridical… …


  • 5Legal education in the United States — generally refers to the education of lawyers before entry into practice. Other types of legal education, such as that of paralegals, of Limited Practice Officers (in Washington), and of the citizenry in general, and of the education of lawyers… …


  • 6legal age — n: an age at which a person becomes entitled under the law to engage in a particular activity or becomes responsible for particular acts the legal age for drinking in this state; broadly: age of majority compare age of consent …

    Law dictionary

  • 7make — make1 [māk] vt. made, making [ME maken < OE macian, akin to Ger machen < IE base * maĝ , to knead, press, stretch > MASON, Gr magis, kneaded mass, paste, dough, mageus, kneader] 1. to bring into being; specif., a) to form by shaping or… …

    English World dictionary

  • 8Make Your Own-opoly — is a board game manufactured by TDC Games. Based on the popular board game Monopoly, it allows one to customize the game s various attributes using a PC program and a color printer. The game won the 2001 Hobby Outlook Educational Item of the Year …


  • 9legal — le·gal / lē gəl/ adj [Latin legalis, from leg lex law] 1: of or relating to law or the processes of law a legal question take legal action 2 a: deriving authority from or founded on law a legal tariff rate a legal government …

    Law dictionary

  • 10LEGAL PERSON — LEGAL PERSON, a body of men or of property which the law, in imitation of the personality of human beings, treats artificially as subject of rights and duties independent of its component parts. The classic example of a legal person is the  … …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism