
  • 91boorish — adj 1. rude, vulgar, uncouth, coarse, unmannerly, ill mannered, ill bred; churlish, brutish, barbaric, crude, crass, base, low, vile, contemptible; loutish, oafish, doltish, cloddish, stolid, clodhopping, gawkish or gawky, lubberly, lumpish,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 92bulky — adj 1. massive, immense, vast, ponderous; huge, enormous, colossal, mammoth, titanic, elephantine, monstrous, prodigious; large, big, great, substantial, goodly. 2. stout, thickset, full figured; obese, fat, corpulent, overweight; chubby, tubby,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93bungling — adj clumsy, awkward, bunglesome, gauche, maladroit; blundering, botching, stumbling, tripping; ungainly, lubberly, gawky, oafish, graceless, ungraceful; inept, unskillful, unaccomplished, inexpert, incompetent, stupid …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 94churlish — adj 1. rustic, rural, peasantlike, agrestic, agrarian; pastoral, bucolic, bucolical, sylvan or silvan, Arcadian; inurbane, backwoods, provincial, countrified, countrybred, country born, upcountry, from the sticks, yokelish, Sl. hickish, Sl. rube …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 95cloddish — adj awkward, clumsy, inept, maladroit, heavy handed, blundering, bungling, gawky or gawk ish, like a bull in a china shop, Inf. butterfingered, Sl. klutzy; loutish, oafish, doltish, lumpish, lumpen, clod hopping, clownish, lubberly; obtuse,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 96clumsy — adj 1. awkward, ungraceful, ungainly; oafish, doltish, clodish, lumbering, heavy footed, lubberly, bearish, bovine, lumpish, hulking; stiff, wooden, stodgy, stolid, heavy, unwieldly, ponderous. 2. unhandy, inept, bungling, bumbling, clownish,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 97dismal — adj 1. gloomy, cheerless, melancholy, depressing, somber, morose; dark, black, grim, solemn, funereal, bleak, lugubrious; blue, joyless, sad, unhappy, doleful, sorrowful, dolorous; drab, dull, cold, chilly; barren, desolate, austere, empty;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 98elephantine — adj 1. huge, big, mammoth, jumbo, gargantuan, massive, enormous; monumental, immense, large, massy, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean; towering, monstrous, titanic; mighty, stupendous, Inf. whopping, Inf. thumping. 2. ponderous, pachydermal, hippopotamic …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 99gargantuan — adj gigantic, enormous, monstrous, huge, Sl. humongous, Brobdingnagian, Cyclopean; vast, towering, colossal, immense, stupendous, prodigious, tremendous, herculean, mammoth; very large or big, great, Inf. strapping, Inf. whopping; elephantine,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 100gauche — adj 1. ill bred, ill mannered, uncouth, unrefined, unpolished, unladylike, ungentlemanly; coarse, indelicate, crude, cloddish; vulgar, ordinary, common; piggish, boorish, gross; tactless, insensitive, imperceptive, crass; dull, dense, mutton… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder