
  • 81kill — v 1. slay, murder, assassinate, poison, do to death, liquidate, erase, blot or wipe out, put an end to, get rid of, put away, put out of the way, silence, carry off, remove, dispatch, finish, finish off, do for, fix, settle, lay out, lay low, Inf …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 82knife — n 1. blade, (collectively) cutlery; jackknife, Swiss Army knife, pocketknife, penknife, switchblade, Sl. shiv; saber, Japanese. aikuchi, sword, Excalibur, cutlass; rapier, foil, e pee; bayonet, scimitar, bill, billhook, cold steel, snickersnee;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 83lance — n 1. spear, spontoon, pike, half pike, harpoon; javelin, jerred, assegai, shaft. 2. lancet, surgical knife, knife, scalpel. v 3. cut, cut open, open, slit, incise; puncture, penetrate, spear, lancinate, stab, stick, prick …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 84pain — n 1. hurt, ache, aching, smart, smarting, soreness, discomfort; twinge, pinch, gripe, nip, pang, shock, crick, stitch, stabbing pain, sharp pain; throb, throbbing, gnawing pain, burning pain. 2. torture, torment, rack, agony; anguish, grief, woe …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 85pierce — v 1. penetrate, puncture, pass through or into, transpierce; enter, tunnel, bore, drill; perforate, make a hole or holes in, punch, honeycomb, riddle; run through, stab, lancinate, prick, stick, pink, gore; cut, gash, slit, gride. See also… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 86prick — n 1. puncture, perforation, hole, pinhole, pock, pit, nick, gouge, groove. 2. sting, smart, prickle, tingle, tickle, ache, pain, hurt, discomfort. 3. point, rowel, spur, barb, barbule, prong, tine, spike. v 4. pierce, puncture, perforate, make a… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 87puncture — n 1. perforating, boring, drilling, punching, pinking, puncturing; piercing, stabbing, lancinating, pricking, sticking; cutting, slitting, splitting, gashing, slashing. 2. hole, perforation, cut, incision, split, gash, scotch, rent, slit, slot;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 88spear — n 1. lance, javelin, pike, halberd, trident, harpoon. v 2. pierce, transpierce, penetrate; stab, gore, gouge, lance, lancinate, spike, run through, Sl. let the daylight in; impale, transfix, fix, spit, skewer, Sl. shish kebab …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 89spit — I v 1. expectorate, hawk, spew, slobber, salivate, drivel, drool, dribble, froth, slaver, slabber, sputter, splutter. 2. jeer, hiss, sneer, scoff, slur, flout, Sl. razz; snort, curl one s lip, Sl. give the raspberry or Bronx cheer, hoot, rail;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 90spur — n 1. rowel, goad, prick, point, prod. 2. stimulus, stimulant, incentive, fillip, provocative, motive; jolt, jog, poke, lash, whip; incitement, inducement, instigation, encouragement, abetment, provocation, egging on, putting up to; dare, taunt,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder