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1Fostering the Increased Integration of Students with Disabilities. New Directions for Student Services, Number 134 , Marianne Huger S.
All members of a community benefit from the diversity that students with disabilities bring to a campus, and all campus constituents have an obligation to serve their diverse students. This volume… 2263.37 руб электронная книга2Attracting and Retaining Women in STEM. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 152 , Joy Gayles Gaston
Underrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields is a problem that has persisted over the past three decades and is most severe at the highest levels of the… 2263.37 руб электронная книга3Practical Food Safety. Contemporary Issues and Future Directions , Bhat Rajeev
The past few years have witnessed an upsurge in incidences relating to food safety issues, which are all attributed to different factors. Today, with the increase in knowledge and available databases… 20132.33 руб электронная книга4Refining the Focus on Faculty Diversity in Postsecondary Institutions. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 155 , Yonghong Xu Jade
Faculty diversity is gaining unprecedented emphasis in the mission of colleges and universities, and institutional researchers are being pushed for relevant data. This volume examines faculty… 2263.37 руб электронная книга5Disability and Campus Dynamics. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 154 , Madaus Joseph W.
Prepare your institution for a new generation of disability services that embraces the growing student, as well as staff and faculty population with disabilities. Legal compliance, reasonable… 2263.37 руб электронная книга6Benchmarking in Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 156 , Levy Gary D.
While the term benchmarking is commonplace nowadays in institutional research and higher education, less common, is a solid understanding of what it really means and how it has been, and can be, used… 2263.37 руб электронная книга7Using Mixed Methods to Study Intersectionality in Higher Education. New Directions in Institutional Research, Number 151 , Museus Samuel D.
This volume offers institutional researchers several examples of the ways in which quantitative and qualitative methods can be integrated for a better grasp of how members of our educational… 2263.37 руб электронная книга8Data Use in the Community College. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 153 , Linda Hagedorn Serra
American community colleges represent a true success story. With their multiple missions, they have provided access and opportunity to millions of students. But community colleges are held… 2238.84 руб электронная книга9Collegiate Transfer: Navigating the New Normal. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 162 , Janet Marling L.
Although students have been moving between institutions and attempting to import course credit for many years, current data show that transfer is becoming an increasingly common approach to higher… 2238.84 руб электронная книга10Social Experiments in Practice: The What, Why, When, Where, and How of Experimental Design and Analysis. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 152 , Laura Peck R.
This issue considers social experiments in practice and how recent advances improve their value and potential applications. Although controversial, it is clear they are here to stay and are in fact… 2238.84 руб электронная книга