honeyed words

  • 71coaxing — n wheedling, cajolery, blarney, beguile ment, charm, inveiglement; urging, entreaty, importunity, imploring; persuasion, palaver, Inf. sweet talk, Inf. soft soap, Inf. honeyed words, Sl. line, Sl. snow job; humoring, jollying, pandering to,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 72endearment — n 1. affection, fondness, attachment, tie, bond. 2. fondling, petting, necking, spooning, Sl. canoo dling, lovemaking, Inf. making out; caress, hug, cuddle, squeeze, embrace; osculation, kiss, buss, Inf. smack, Inf. smacker, Inf. big fat kiss;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 73enticement — n allurement, allure, temptation, invitation, beguilement, inveiglement, tantalization, seduction, baiting; cajolery, blandishment, coaxing, wheedling. 2. lure, decoy, bait, snare, trap, forbidden fruit, Sl. come on; honeyed words, Inf. soft soap …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 74fawning — adj 1. servile, slavish, obsequious, Obs. obsequent, subservient, menial, Obs., Rare. vernile; submissive, docile, unassertive, compliant, acquiescent, deferential, Tomish, Uncle Tomish, tractable, mealy mouthed; groveling, crawling, creeping,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 75flattery — n 1. compliment, salute, praise, laudation; tribute, extolment, exaltation, celebration, glorification; eulogy, eulogium, eulogization, encomium, panegyric, adulation; trumpetry, crying up, ringing or singing [s.o. s] praises, puffery, puffing up …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 76flummery — n 1. oatmeal, gruel, U.S. mush, hot cereal, Chiefly Brit. porridge, farina; fruit custard, blancmange, white pudding. 2. nonsense, moonshine, gobbledegook; foolish humbug, bunkum or buncombe, Sl. bunk, U.S. Sl. blah; balderdash, Inf. hokum, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 77palaver — n 1. parley, Inf. powwow, conference, round table, colloquy; session, meeting, gathering, consultation, brainstorming, deliberation; interview, audience, hearing; talk, dialogue, discussion, confabulation, Inf. confab; conversation, causerie,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 78praise — n 1. extolment, laudation, acclaim, acclamation, kudos, Archaic. magnification; approval, approbation, endorsement, reference, sanction, commendation; tribute, testimonial, credit, recognition, citation; eulogy, eulogium, eulogization, encomium,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 79seduction — n 1. tempting, tantalizing, enticing; coaxing, cajoling, blandishment, wheedling. 2. enticement, allurement, allure, temptation, fascination; invitation, beguilement, inveiglement, tantali zation, seducement; lure, bait, snare, trap, forbidden… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 80temptation — n 1. enticement, allurement, seduction, seducement; fascination, tantalization, captivation; beguilement, enthrallment, enchantment, bewitchment, bewitchery, ensorcellment, entrancement. 2. cajoling, inducement, persuasion, coaxing; blandishment …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder