excessive nicety
1Superstition — Su per*sti tion, n. [F. superstition, L. superstitio, originally, a standing still over or by a thing; hence, amazement, wonder, dread, especially of the divine or supernatural, fr. superstare to stand over; super over + stare to stand. See… …
2prudery — n. Coyness, demureness, stiffness, affected reserve, excessive nicety …
3superstition — n. 1. Bigotry, fanaticism. 2. False religion, worship of false gods, irrational worship. 3. Belief in omens. 4. Excessive nicety, scrupulous exactness …
4elaborate — elaborately, adv. elaborateness, n. elaborative, adj. elaborator, n. adj. /i lab euhr it/; v. /i lab euh rayt /, adj., v., elaborated, elaborating. adj. 1. worked out with great care and nicety of detail; executed with great minuteness: elaborate …
5Purist — Pur ist, n. [Cf. F. puriste.] 1. One who aims at excessive purity or nicety, esp. in the choice of language. [1913 Webster] He [Fox] . . . purified vocabulary with a scrupulosity unknown to any purist. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. One who… …
6hǽmedrím — m ( es/ as) the trade of a pander, pimping, pandering; An allurement, enticement; Excessive or artificial ornament, finery or nicety in dress; In partic., of speech, meretricious or nament or allurement [lenocinium] …
7scocha — m ( n/ n) the trade of a pander, pimping, pandering; an allurement, enticement; Excessive or artificial ornament, finery or nicety in dress; In partic., of speech, meretricious or nament or allurement [lenocinium]; [= scohha] …
8care — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I v. i. like, have affection (for). See care, pity, feeling. II Solicitude Nouns 1. (concern) care, concern, consideration, solicitude, anxiety, heed, heedfulness; conscientiousness, watchfulness,… …