dusky shadowy

  • 61black — adj 1. dark, pitch black, coal black, jet, jetty; ebony, ebon, raven, sable; inky, pitchy, nigritu dinous, atramentous; blackish, nigrescent, swarthy, swart, dark skinned. 2.Negro, Negroid, colored, Afro American, Afra merican; Negrito, Papuan,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 62dark — adj 1. lightless, aphotic, opaque, black, black as ink, inky, pitch dark, pitchy, jetblack, jetty; unilluminated, unlit, shady, shadowy, Literary. darkling; murky, foggy, misty, tenebrous, Archaic. caligi nous; dull, dim, faint, pale, feeble,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 63dim — adj 1. faint, weak, pale, imperceptible, hardly noticeable, indiscernible; vague, undefined, fuzzy, confused; nebulous, mysterious, unfathomable, incomprehensible. 2. ill defined, unclear, indistinct, blurred, blurry, clouded, obscured;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 64dingy — adj dark, dull, dim, dun, grayish brown, lackluster, dusky; drab, dismal, dreary, cheerless, Scot, ourie; shadowy, gloomy, tenebrous, obscure; murky, hazy, smoggy; sooty, smoky, fuliginous, smudgy, smeared; smutchy, dirty, grimy, soiled, muddy;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 65dun — I v (usu. for payment of debts) importune, press, urge, tax, solicit, beset, buttonhole; ply, push, besiege, Inf. work on; plague, pester, nag, Sl. bug. II adj 1. greyish brown, swarthy, dusky, umber, drab; khaki, sallow, tawny, muddy. 2. dark,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 66lackluster — adj 1. tasteless, bland, insipid, jejune, flat, dull, vapid, Sl. nothing, Sl. blah; uneventful, humdrum, monotonous, ordinary, run of the mill, commonplace, prosaic, matter of fact; tedious, tiresome, boring, boresome, wearisome, uninteresting,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 67lightless — adj dark, pitch dark, dark as night, nightly, nightlike, unlighted, unlit, unilluminated, aphotic, tenebrous, obscure, Literary. darkling; black, black as ink, inky, pitchy, jetblack, nigrescent; ill lighted, poorly lit, dim, dull, faint, dusky,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 68lowering — adj 1. overcast, cloudy, clouded over, overclouded; gloomy, dismal, dreary, bleak, tenebrous, murky, Archaic. caliginous; shadowy, dim, gray, dusky, darkish, dark, pitch dark, black, pitch black, Literary. darkling; ominous, menacing, minatory,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 69lusterless — adj dull, flat, matte, unpolished, unbur nished; dingy, dark, dim, dun, dusky; drab, colorless, tarnished, faded, washed out; shadowy, gloomy, tenebrous, obscure; murky, hazy; smutchy, dirty, grimy, soiled, muddy …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 70misty — adj 1. cloudy, foggy, hazy, vaporous, brumous, smoggy, Archaic. caliginous; drizzly, moistful, spraylike; frosted, opaque, filmy, semipellucid, semi transparent. 2. obscure, vague, indistinct, obfuscated, indistinguishable; nebulous, shadowy,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder