
  • 51Competition Panels and Diagrams , Hossbach Benjamin (2016)
    Architectural competitions act as a tool for enhancing a design and selecting planning partners. The quality of urban development, high-rise buildings and open spaces is thus sustainably improved… 3167 руб

  • 52Digital Design Manual , Tiggermann Anke (2011)
    Computer aided design is already well established in architectural studios. In architecture and interior design spatial concepts are increasingly computer generated, illustrated and presented. This… 1876 руб

  • 53Iwan Scholtowski , Chmelnizki Dmitrij (2015)
    Iwan Scholtowski gilt als Schl&# 252;sselfigur der sowjetischen Architektur. 1932 wurde er durch den Wettbewerb f&# 252;r den Palast der Sowjets weltbekannt. Nach Stalins Hinwendung zum… 1229 руб

  • 54Проблема строительства социалистических городов , Хмельницкий Дмитрий (2017)
    1229 руб

  • 55Spying on Moscow: A Winged Guide to Architecture , Diemer Karina (2017)
    This collector’s album presents Moscow’s architectural icons. With photographic precision, Denis Esakov captures the fifth fa&# 231;ade of the largest European metropolis: roofs, domes, and… 1490 руб

  • 56Architecture in Asmara. Colonial Origin and Postcolonial Experiences (2017)
    The ancient city of Asmara is the capital of Eritrea and it's largest settlement. Its beautiful architecture was rediscovered by outsiders in the early 1990s. In this book, the authors offer an… 1229 руб

  • 57City and Wind. Climate as an Architectural Instrument , Krautheim Mareike (2014)
    Spatial production is inevitably linked to climate issues. In the course of the last 15 years the debate on sustainable architecture and ecological urbanism has risen like a phoenix from the ashes… 1229 руб

  • 5830:70. Architecture as a Balancing Act , Tchoban Sergei (2018)
    Builders have never been so prolific as they are today. And never have there been so many technical and design-related options available to architects. Yet contemporary architecture often creates a… 1229 руб

  • 59Construction and Design Manual: Drawing for Landscape Architects , Wilk Sabrina (2016)
    Few other professions can match landscape architecture's requirement graphically to represent and communicate so much content and so many ideas. From large-scale master-plans and strategic visions… 3167 руб

  • 60Construction and Design Manual: Drawing for Architects , Meuser Natascha (2015)
    The drawing architect - for centuries, this term was just as tautological as the "baking baker" . Nevertheless, the acquisition of drawing skills is by no means a minor field of study for architects… 2574 руб