close up to

  • 51Close-up — For other uses, see Close up (disambiguation) A close up shot Main article: Shot (filmmaking) In filmmaking, television production, still photography and the comic strip medium a close up tightly frames a person or an object. Close ups are one of …


  • 52close — The close is the period at the end of the trading session. Sometimes used to refer to closing price. Related: opening. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The period at the end of the trading session officially designated by the exchange during which… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 53close*/*/*/ — [kləʊz] verb I 1) [I/T] if you close something, or if it closes, it moves to cover an open area I was just closing my eyes to go to sleep when the phone rang.[/ex] Did the fridge door close completely?[/ex] 2) [I/T] to stop doing business for a… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 54close — v. [[t]kloʊz[/t]] adj., adv. [[t]kloʊs[/t]] n. [[t]kloʊz[/t]] for 66, 67, 70–72, 74, 75, [[t]kloʊs[/t]] for 68, 69, 73 v. closed, clos•ing, 1) to put (something) in a position to obstruct an entrance or opening; shut 2) to stop or obstruct (a gap …

    From formal English to slang

  • 55close — verb (closed, closing) –verb (t) /kloʊz / (say klohz) 1. to stop or obstruct (a gap, entrance, aperture, etc.). 2. to stop or obstruct the entrances, apertures, or gaps in. 3. to shut in or surround on all sides; enclose; cover in. 4. to refuse… …

  • 56close on — ˈklōs preposition or close onto Etymology: close (V) 1. : within a very short time or distance of close on fifty years ago for close on five miles : within a very small number …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 57Close — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Close », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Sommaire 1 …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 58close — close1 [kləʊs] adjective 1》 only a short distance away or apart in space or time.     ↘dense: close print.     ↘(close to) very near to (being or doing something). 2》 denoting someone who is part of a person s immediate family, typically a parent …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 59close — I adjective 1) the town is close to Joliette Syn: near, adjacent to; in the vicinity of, in the neighborhood of, within reach of; neighboring, adjoining, abutting, alongside, on the doorstep, a stone s throw (away) from/to, a hop, skip, and a… …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 60close up — I verb 1. refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent The children shut up when their father approached • Syn: ↑clam up, ↑dummy up, ↑shut up, ↑belt up, ↑button up, ↑be quiet, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary