claim to notice

  • 21notice of exemption — A demand or claim that property seized under process for debt be released as exempt. 31 Am J2d Exempt §§ 142 et seq …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 22Formal notice of claim — формальное уведомление о намерении покупателя предъявить претензию. Формальное уведомление не имеет юридической силы, если за ним не последуют обоснованные подробности претензии покупателя. См. также: Претензии по качеству и количеству Финансовый …

    Финансовый словарь

  • 23Public notice — A public notice or notice of intent is information directed to citizensof a governmental entity regarding government related activities. Publicnotices have traditionally been published in specified governmentalpublications and in local newspapers …


  • 24Judicial notice — Evidence Part of th …


  • 25creditor's claim — 1) A written claim filed in federal bankruptcy court by a person or entity owed money by a debtor who has filed for bankruptcy. 2) A written claim filed in probate court by a person or entity owed money by a person who has died. State law sets a… …

    Law dictionary

  • 26proof of claim — form filed by a creditor setting out its claims against a bankruptcy debtor (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) A form used to file a claim. The form requires the creditor to enter information to describe the basis of his claim. also see claim… …

    Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • 27Copyright notice — DVD: All Rights Reserved A copyright notice, either as symbol or phrase, informs users of the underlying claim to copyright ownership in a published work. Copyright law is different from country to country, and a copyright notice is required in… …


  • 28race–notice — race–no·tice / rās ˌnō təs/ adj [race from the notion of two parties rushing to the courthouse in order to be the first to record a claim or interest on the same property]: of, relating to, or being a recording act which stipulates that an… …

    Law dictionary

  • 29List of patent claim types — This is a list of special types of claims that may be found in a patent or patent application. For explanations about independent and dependent claims and about the different categories of claims, i.e. product or apparatus claims (claims… …


  • 30creditor's claim —    A claim, which must be filed in writing and in a proper form, by a person or business who is owed money by a debtor who has filed a petition in bankruptcy court (or had a petition filed to declare the debtor bankrupt), or who is owed money by… …

    Business law dictionary