be laudatory

  • 51Ibn Khafaja — Ibn Khafaja(h) or Abu Ishaq Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Abu Al Fath Ibn Khafajah (1058 1138/9) of Alzira was one of the most famous poets of Al Andalus during the reign of the Almoravids [Samuel G. Armistead, E. Michael Gerli (ed.), Medieval Iberia, an… …


  • 52Views on Ramakrishna — Ramakrishna (1836 1886) was a famous nineteenth century Indian mystic. His personality and religious experiences have been studied by many notable scholars. Academic studies have also been carried out on the influence of Ramakrishna s personality …


  • 53encomium — /en koh mee euhm/, n., pl. encomiums, encomia / mee euh/. a formal expression of high praise; eulogy: An encomium by the President greeted the returning hero. [1580 90; < L < Gk enkómion, equiv. to en EN 2 + kôm(os) a revel + ion n. suffix] * * * …


  • 54panegyric — panegyrical, adj. panegyrically, adv. /pan i jir ik, juy rik/, n. 1. a lofty oration or writing in praise of a person or thing; eulogy. 2. formal or elaborate praise. [1590 1600; < L, n. use of panegyricus of, belonging to a public assembly < Gk&#8230; …


  • 55qasida — /keuh see deuh/, n., pl. qasida, qasidas. Pros. an Arabic poem, usually in monorhyme, that may be satirical, elegiac, threatening, or laudatory. [1810 20; < Ar qasidah] * * * ▪ poetic form plural  qasida,  also spelled  kasida,  Arabic  qaṣīdah &#8230; …


  • 56Farazdaq, al- — ▪ Islamic poet byname of  Tammām ibn Ghālib Abū Firās  born c. 641, Yamāmah region, Arabia died c. 728 or 730       Arab poet famous for his satires in a period when poetry was an important political instrument. With his rival Jarīr, he&#8230; …


  • 57Rembrandt van Rijn — ▪ Dutch artist Introduction in full  Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn  Rembrandt originally spelled  Rembrant  born July 15, 1606, Leiden, Netherlands died October 4, 1669, Amsterdam  Dutch painter and printmaker, one of the greatest storytellers&#8230; …


  • 58Vedas — • Sacred books of ancient India Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Vedas     Vedas     † Catho …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 59Early Christian Inscriptions —     Early Christian Inscriptions     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Early Christian Inscriptions     Inscriptions of Christian origin form, as non literary remains, a valuable source of information on the development of Christian thought and life in&#8230; …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 60Leonard Charles Wyon — (self portrait in plaster) Leonard Charles Wyon (23 November 1826 – 20 August 1891) was a British engraver of the Victorian era most notable for his work on the gold and silver coinage struck for the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887 and&#8230; …
