be deposited

  • 81Conglomerate (geology) — For a kind of corporation, see Conglomerate (company). Conglomerate Sedimentary Rock Boulder of conglomerate with cobble sized clasts. Rock hammer for scale …


  • 82Sedimentary exhalative deposits — (abbreviated as SEDEX from SEDimentary EXhalative) are ore deposits which are interpreted to have been formed by release of ore bearing hydrothermal fluids into a water reservoir (usually the ocean), resulting in the precipitation of stratiform… …


  • 83Mexican general election 2006 controversies — Mexico This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Mexico …


  • 84Thin-film thickness monitor — Thin film thickness monitors, deposition rate controllers, and so on, are a family of instruments used in high and ultra high vacuum systems. They can measure the thickness of a thin film, not only after it has been made, but while it is still… …


  • 85Electron beam induced deposition — (EBID) is a process of decomposing gaseous molecules by electron beam leading to deposition of non volatile fragments onto a nearby substrate. Process Focused electron beam of scanning electron microscope (SEM) or scanning transmission electron… …


  • 86Geology of West Virginia — Prior to one billion years ago, the geologic history of West Virginia is obscure. The oldest evidences of life found in West Virginia occur in rocks about 600 million years old, in the Antietam Formation of Lower Cambrian age. The oldest exposed… …


  • 87Geology of Tasmania — Tasmania has a varied geological history, with the world s biggest exposure of diabase, or dolerite. Rocks from the Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic time periods appear. It is one of the few southern hemisphere areas glaciated during the… …


  • 88calcite — calcitic /kal sit ik/, adj. /kal suyt/, n. one of the commonest minerals, calcium carbonate, CaCO3, found in a great variety of crystalline forms: a major constituent of limestone, marble, and chalk; calc spar. [1840 50; CALC + ITE1] * * * Most… …


  • 89moraine — morainal, morainic, adj. /meuh rayn /, n. 1. a ridge, mound, or irregular mass of unstratified glacial drift, chiefly boulders, gravel, sand, and clay. 2. a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier. [1780 90; < F < Savoyard dial.&#8230; …


  • 90North America — North American. the northern continent of the Western Hemisphere, extending from Central America to the Arctic Ocean. Highest point, Mt. McKinley, 20,300 ft. (6187 m); lowest, Death Valley, 276 ft. (84 m) below sea level. 400,000,000 including&#8230; …
